#This & That & The Other Thing

Happy Saturn’s Day, Everybody! Hope your weekend is going to be a great one, filled with all your favorite things and people. 

Just wanted to update you folks a bit. I’m still on “house arrest” and that will likely remain the case for a bit longer. We haven’t been able to reschedule the imaging of my heart earlier than September 6, and until my doctor has the results from that, he won’t be able to come up with a definite plan on managing this issue. I’m NOT in crisis mode, obviously, or emergency steps would be taken, but I do have a list of things I’m not allowed to do until the assessment is completed. Consequently, I’m way, way behind on many things I’d normally be taking care of each day. *sigh* (Can we say “frustrating,” boys and girls? 😄)

The good news is, I’m feeling pretty good, and even the AWFUL pain from my disastrous dental experience has eased greatly. (Plus, I can see my NEW dentist Monday for an assessment, and we’ll see if she agrees with me, or with my EX-dentist. It will be interesting, for sure. ) Also,  I am not having the issues with dizzy spells that I did for months, and the extreme fatigue has eased greatly, so that’s all good news.

I am still running way, way behind on my blogging, and about all I’m able to do right now is “Like” and share posts from my favorite online sites. I know you’ll understand if I can’t comment as often as I usually do. I’m looking forward to catching up one of these days, and being able to have more FUN with my fellow blogging friends. In the meantime, just know how important each and every one of you is to me, and here’s wishing you all a great rest of the summer, with plenty of good times ahead!

Here’s a picture I received from a nice lady who brought her little boy to my last wildlife presentation on Central Florida’s Fabulous Owls, five months ago. He was very attentive and asked several good questions. Afterward, she told me he wanted to have his picture taken with me, if it was okay–which of course it was! After nine years of giving talks twice a month at two very special venues, I really, really miss all the great folks who came to learn a bit about our wildlife. This picture arrived in my Inbox just in time to lift my sagging spirits.

Jesse and I – February 2023

One final update. I am feeling the stirrings of creativity once again, and am hoping to get some actual writing done on Cole, Cole, & Dupree, Rabbit’s latest adventure. Will let you know how that’s going in a week or two.

And that completes today’s Update.
Granny and I  wish you all a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much for stopping by!

49 thoughts on “#This & That & The Other Thing

  1. I’ve been praying for you and other bloggers who have mentioned health issues. I’ve always been impressed by your courteous responses and replies to fellow bloggers. Now I’m even MORE impressed since learning you’ve done this through an extended period of extreme fatigue! Hopefully, you’ll continue feeling more yourself and resolve your dental issues. The picture of you with the smiling little boy is so sweet! Thanks for sharing, Marcia.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed seeing the picture, Nancy, and I thank you for all the kind comments and prayers. ❤️

      I really appreciate all my followers and love when they share their thoughts, so responding to them is a pleasure for me, even when I don’t have a lot of time. And hey, it keeps me from having to do housework, and is a whole lot easier than yard work, too. 😁 (There’s a method to my madness! 😂😂😂)

      Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I hope your weekend is off to a super start! 😀 ❤

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    • Thank you so much, Darlene. I’m feeling more optimistic than I have for several months. I’ve still got a lot of things I want to do, so it’s wonderful to think I might be coming out of this slump.

      Thanks for stopping by today and for your kind comments and well wishes! 😀 ❤

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  2. Oh my, beautiful photo of you, Marcia. Even with all your health issues and burdens, you’ve got a smile that opens hearts and draws folks to you. I’m keeping you in prayer and sending bundles of love your way. ❤️🤗❤️

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    • Aw, thanks for such lovely compliments, Gwen. Not sure how beautiful the photo is, but it was certainly a HAPPY moment, and I hope to get back to those talks one of these days. (At least now and then.)

      Thanks also for those bundles of love and the gratefully accepted prayers. I appreciate it more than you know! And finally, thanks so much for stopping by today to bolster my spirits! I appreciate it hugely, and am sending love and hugs your way, as well. Have a great rest of the weekend! 😀 ❤


    • I was definitely impressed with the questions he asked, Vera, and it was a treat to have him request a picture with me. Glad you enjoyed seeing it, and thanks so much for stopping by today. Have a great rest of the weekend! 😀 ❤

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  3. Sorry you’ve got to wait until September, but delighted that the fatigue is easing and yout interest in the adventures of Cole, Cole and Dupree is rekindling. Slow and steady wins the race. As for the delightful Jesse, at that age there’s no flannel and if he wanted his picture taken with you, you must have made a big impression on him. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    • Thanks so much, Trish. I still tend to hit a brick wall by 3:00pm or so and collapse into the Comfy Chair, but I really do think I’ve improved a lot. And I’m looking forward to getting better and better with time.

      Honestly, I was very impressed with little Jesse and his thoughtful questions. And it was an honor to be asked if I’d let his mom take a picture of us. What fun!

      Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to share your thoughts, Trish, and here’s to a great evening and a super day tomorrow! 😀 ❤

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    • My pleasure to finally have some good(ish) news and to share a fun picture. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to say hi, Olga! Have a great rest of the weekend! 😀 ❤


    • I’m doing my best to follow my doctor’s orders, Cathy, even though it isn’t always easy. And I was happy to share that I’ve been improving lately. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to say hello! And here’s to a great rest of the weekend! 😀 ❤

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  4. I can definitely say “frustrating.” I’ve been there when health issues got in the way of what I wanted to be doing. Very frustrating, but it’s a good thin that you are taking care of yourself. Try to relax and enjoy the slower pace.

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    • I’ve always been someone who couldn’t stand to “waste time,” when I had so many things I wanted to accomplish, so it hasn’t been easy, Kass. But I’m pretty good about following my doctor’s advice, and it just might be paying off now. Thanks for stopping by with some encouraging words, and I hope you’re taking good care of yourself, too. Have a great rest of the weekend. 😀 ❤


    • I’m workin’ on it, Debby. And I’m making slow (but fairly steady) progress, so far. Thanks for stopping by and offering your words of encouragement, my friend. I’ll do my best to persevere. Have a great rest of the weekend! 😀 ❤

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  5. It sounds like much of the news is in the plus side on the column. Helping to raise the interest of young people in wildlife must be a great feeling—terrific photo!

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    • I agree that the Plus side of the column is on the rise, Pete, and I’ll do my best to see it keep heading that way.

      I love talking to folks about wildlife, and kids like Jesse just make it all the better. I was so pleased to see him right down front, and very engaged in the presentation. To have him ask for a photo afterward was a real treat! Glad you enjoyed seeing it, and thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts. Have a great Sun’s Day tomorrow! 😀 ❤

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  6. What a great picture! I’ve been offline so long I feel like I missed a lot (no clue about the dentist), but I’m encouraged that your news is positive. I will keep you in my prayers, my friend and Penderpal. I should start surfacing more in the next month or two. In the meantime, stay cool down there. Looks like you’re headed for another heat wave judging by the news I saw tonight. I’m sending you lots of positive thoughts, prayers, and hugs.

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    • Thanks so much, Mae! I’ve missed seeing you around, for sure, but the truth is, we all have lives besides our blogs, and sometimes we really need (or want) to focus on other things for a while. Good to see you here today, and I appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and hugs very much. (And back atcha, my Penderpal.)

      As for the dental issue … suffice it to say that I have never felt such horrific pain in my entire life, and having delivered a 10-pound baby with no anesthesia at all–and nary a clue about natural childbirth–I have some experience with painful things. This was far worse, lasted for several weeks, and even though the infection is finally gone, I still can’t bite down on the new, ill-fitting crown. Tomorrow, I see my NEW dentist and hopefully get it all sorted out. (BTW, my EX-dentist is just lucky I don’t happen to know any hitmen!😁 )

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  7. Best to you as you await imaging of your heart. I had a heart valve replaced last summer, and I can tell you technology will blow your mind when you go through any procedure. I’m lucky to live close to a Big city (Boston) with amazing doctors and hospitals.

    It will be interesting to learn what the two dentists have to say.

    Love the photo! Keep the creativity going! Best to you, Marcia.

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    • Thanks so much, Jennie! And congratulations on your successful heart valve replacement surgery. So glad technology has improved and that you’ve done well!

      My heart problem (HCM – Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy) involves a thickening of the heart wall, and at this point, I don’t think surgery is on the table, though that could change. For now, we are treating it with two medications to thin my blood and make it easier for it to pass through the narrowed arteries. (My dizziness problem was largely caused by not getting enough blood to my brain! DOH!!)

      I’m feeling much better than I did, and the final imaging will let us know how well it’s working, and if we need to do anything else at this time. With luck, I’ll be able to resume some of my currently discouraged (or downright forbidden) activities, like giving at least a few more wildlife talks. I don’t think I’ll go back to 2 a month again (like I’ve been doing for nine years), but if I could do them once in a while, I’d be very happy with that. It’s lovely to meet folks who are interested in Florida’s wild critters and habitats, and especially nice when a young boy shows such enthusiasm for learning about it.

      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to share your experiences and thoughts. Here’s to both of us moving forward with improved health, and enjoying life to the fullest! Happy Sun’s Day! 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks so much, Debra! I do try to find workarounds for things I want to do, so I can still enjoy at least some of them. (Sitting on the couch like a bump on a log all day just doesn’t work for me.) And I’m learning to ignore the frustration and focus on all the things I CAN still do … like reading great books, for instance. Of course, I’m still way behind on that, but it’s possible … just possible … that I can see some shrinkage in the ol’ TBR pile! 😀

      I appreciate your stopping by and taking a moment to offer encouragement, and here’s to a great Sun’s Day ahead! 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks so much, Jeanne. I do think I’m doing better, and I’m really hoping my writing muse will pay me a visit SOON. (I have FIFTEEN chapters done in one WIP, and a good start on another.)

      I’m determined to do whatever it takes to stay healthier for as long as I can, too. I’ve got grandkids I want to see grow up, and books to read (and write), and a garden to continue rebuilding after hurricane damage destroyed it. And more. I’ll pace myself, of course, since age insists on that, but with any luck, I’ll be able to make slow and steady progress on all of it.

      I appreciate your stopping by to wish me well, and hope you have a wonderful Sun’s Day, my friend! 😀 ❤

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  8. I, too, have been liking and tweeting without commenting since I got back from my summer trip. I’m slowly getting back to commenting (like now), but when there is so much that needs to be done, something has to give. So, I like and tweet to share my blog friends’ posts with others and comment when I can. Do whatever you have the energy for. We’ll stick around. 😉 Oh, and I’m almost done with Hunter’s story! Love it! ❤

    Yvette M Calleiro 🙂

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    • Yep, the old “Like & Tweet” routine is sometimes all we can manage, but I like to think it helps get the word out, even if we don’t have time or energy to comment. And while I’m going to do what I can, I’m NOT going to over-exert myself and pay the consequences.

      I’m SO glad to hear you are enjoying Hunter’s story. Those Painter brothers are dear to my heart, and of all the characters I’ve written so far, Hunter is second only to Rabbit in my heart.

      Thanks for stopping by today, Yvette, and I hope you’ll enjoy how Finding Hunter is resolved. Have a great Sun’s Day! 😀 ❤

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  9. Just take care of yourself Marsh. You show up more to your blog when unwell than many others do weekly, so don’t stress. We know you, we love your blog, we love you. When you’re here, we’re here. 🙂 Oh, and how sweet to have a fan interested in the wildlife adventures. 🙂 ❤

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  10. Thanks for the update Marcia and glad that in some of the crucial areas you are feeling better.. Hopefully the imaging will show the medication has picked up the slack from the heart muscle and it will continue to do so. I understand how frustrating it must be to not be able to do the things you enjoy but I am sure you will be able to get back to it.. Love the photo and how wonderful that you are inspiring the younger generation to love wildlife as much as you do.. keep rockin’ my friend but do the hand jive for the time being.. . Also thank you so much for taking the time to visit me and share my posts… always appreciated♥♥

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  11. “but do the hand jive for the time being” 😁 LOVE that, Sally! Thank you so much for your kind words. I promise I’m doing my very best to be good as I await the last of the testing.

    Glad you enjoyed the picture, and it definitely made me very happy to know this young boy was so interested in our owls, and enjoyed the presentation so much. I was honored to pose for a quick picture with him. After all, he holds part of the future in his hands.

    And it’s always a pleasure to see what’s going on over on Smorgasbord, even when I only have time to Like & Share. I have no idea how you manage a blog that busy, but you do a fantastic job of it, my friend.

    Thanks for stopping by today, and here’s to a wonderful week ahead. 🤗❤️🤗


  12. That is SO ADORABLE that the little guy wanted to have his picture taken with you. Ah, the love of fans. Lol. I’m sorry that you’re on house arrest for a while and hope that you get some good answers and direction from your doc, Marcia. Glad you’re feeling a little better in the meantime! Take good care of yourself with the excessive heat this summer. Hugs. ❤

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    • So glad you enjoyed the picture, Diana. I was truly surprised at how much he enjoyed the talk and that he asked to have the picture.

      I’ve been on house arrest for MONTHS now, thanks to not being able to schedule the final imaging as quickly as we hoped. Honestly, I’m getting pretty tired of it, and can’t wait to regain my freedom. I may or may not be able to take on those talks again (hopefully yes!) but getting out of the house now and then would be lovely.

      In the meantime, no going outside, as I’m supposed to avoid the heat, and that’s pretty much impossible right now. So, it’s blogging and reading, though I hope I’m about ready to get back to writing, too. I’m still allowed to do those. 😀

      Thanks for stopping by today, and here’s to a great week ahead, my friend! 😀 ❤

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  13. Awesome photo! And boy, am I sorry to hear about the dental issues. My husband has had plenty of nightmares himself. Keep trying until you find one that YOU like and that does a good job. Only the best for you!! 🙂

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    • Glad you liked the picture, Sue. I was so surprised and tickled when she told me he wanted his picture taken with me. What fun!

      Thanks for the advice on the dental situation. I visited my new dentist for the first time yesterday and was very impressed with how thorough they were with their initial assessment and suggestions. I think I’m on the right track now, fingers crossed.

      Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great rest of the week! 😀 ❤

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