#BadMoonRising Beyond Castle Frankenstein by Paula Cappa #shortstory #historicalfiction #supernatural

There’s still a Bad Moon on the Rise over at Teri Polen’s today, and you should definitely check out this post. I’ve always loved the original Frankenstein and Dracula books, and have been intrigued by the Shelleys, too, though I’ve never done any research on them. Paula Cappa’s story Beyond Castle Frankenstein, sounds great, and is going on my TBR pile for sure. Hope you’ll enjoy the interview as much as I did and will share it far and wide. Thanks, and as always, thanks to Teri for such a fun series of posts. 🙂

Books and Such

How many of you have read horror stories based on historical events? It’s a fascinating subgenre in which I’ve read a few books over the past year. Today’s author brings us a short story based on Mary Shelley and her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley. As an added bonus it’s FREE for a limited time (links below)! Take advantage of this treat – it’s no trick (see how I worked that in?). Welcome Paula Cappa!

Would you rather sleep in a coffin for one night or spend the night in a haunted house?

I’d rather spend the night in a haunted house because I am curious and fond of meeting ghosts. Spirits of the dead have been an enduring magnet for me since childhood. I would have a lot of questions, one specifically, What happens in that last moment of life during the final breath when you transition out of earthly…

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