FOUR More Weeks, Dresdenphiles! #PeaceTalks Gets Closer Every Day!

The countdown continues as the Big Day draws nearer and nearer. Woo and also Hoo! I’ve been re-reading the entire series (now on Book 8, Proven Guilty) and it’s been even more fun than the first time.  I started these books twenty years ago, and read each one as it was released, and my tiny little brain has lost track of many, many details. My knowledge of the main players is cemented in my head forever, but plot lines and individual villains Harry has faced over the years have gone pretty far astray. I’m so glad I decided to re-read the whole thing, and even more glad that authors Mae Clair and Harmony Kent are reading along with me. We have loads of fun talking about the various happenings and the many, many funny lines in these books–which brings me to today’s post.

I guess I could call this one, “In His Own Write,” if John Lennon hadn’t already beaten me to that title, because I want to focus largely on my favorite Dresden Files quotes today. I have some memes from around the web for you, and several from a new series I’m doing for my own pleasure. (When I can’t find the quote I want done up pretty, I make my own.) Hope you’ll enjoy them all! 

Found these on Jim Butcher’s Website (

And a Couple More From Various Places Around the Web
(There are thousands of these out there!)

And Here Are a Few I Made Myself from My “Riveting Quotes” Series

One more note for this week. Cleverly hiding
on my bookshelves, I found four additional anthologies that
contain Dresden Files stories for those interested:

My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding (2006)

My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon (2007)

Strange Brew (2009)

Naked City (2011)

I forgot that I owned all of these anthologies in print. Doh! But I can attest to the fact that there are some excellent stories in them, well worth reading. Jim Butcher is as excellent at writing short stories as he is at full-length novels. It involves a whole different skill set, in my opinion, and he’s got it down pat! Most of the ones I shared last week and today are available in Kindle format on Amazon, and some are still available in print. You might want to check them out. 🙂 

And that’s all for today, folks. Hope you got a chuckle or two from the quotes. Next week, I’m planning something very different, but I’ll let you wonder for now just what it might be.

Thanks so much for helping me pass the time until Peace Talks arrives!

Bob the Skull and I will see you in a week! 

26 thoughts on “FOUR More Weeks, Dresdenphiles! #PeaceTalks Gets Closer Every Day!

    • That’s great Denise, on both counts. There are so many good lines, both funny and inspirational, in these books that it’s hard to choose. I’m really glad you’re going to give the series a go. Watching Jim Butcher’s writing skills grow by leaps and bounds through these books is almost as much fun as watching Harry grow in strength, power, and understanding of his place in this world.

      Thanks for stopping by today and taking a moment to comment! 😀

      Liked by 3 people

    • I’m so glad you decided to start reading these, Harmony! It’s a pleasure to talk about them with you, and to see you laughing at some of these great lines. (And shivering at some of those great villains, too.) If I had to choose one series of all time to call the best I’ve ever read, I think it would have to be The Dresden Files. And that’s saying a lot, because I love so many. But page for page, none have ever given me more enjoyment (and occasional tears) than this one. And I’ve certainly never been more invested in a character or the outcome of his story than this.

      Thanks so much for stopping by today and taking a moment to let everyone know how you feel about these books! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    • So glad you enjoyed them, Priscilla. It’s very hard to pick favorite lines from theses books. So many funny, snarky ones, and a lot of inspiring–even profound–ones. It’s one of the best things about the books. (And the basis for about a million memes across the net). 😀

      Thanks for stopping by today and taking a moment to comment! 🙂

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  1. Love the battle cry! I’m gonna start on the entire series shortly, I’ve always meant to read it (particularly after seeing Jim Butcher talk at one of the conventions I attended), and never have. I just discovered that my house mate has almost all the paperbacks, just lacking #1, so I don’t have too much shopping to do 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    • One of the best things (out of many) about this series is that Harry so often finds himself scared witless and sure he’s gonna die. And yet, he faces up to every challenge and tries to do the right thing, no matter how painful or frightening. Honestly, there are a lot of us who could use some of his fortitude. And his humor! 😀

      And whoa, what a treasure trove you have at your hands. Happy reading! I just cleaned off and rearranged by Dresden Files shelves to accommodate the anthologies that include his stories, as well. I left room for Bob the Skull, though. 😀

      Thanks for stopping by today, and taking the time to comment. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 3 people

    • I agree 100%, Jeanne. It’s what makes it stand head and shoulders above most (if not all) urban fantasy in my mind. Harry’s way of dealing with paralyzing fear is to make fun of it, then suck up his courage, and beat the crap out of it. And sometimes, I can’t believe how perfectly he expresses both of those emotions.

      Of course, in this selection, my favorite line is the one about Thomas. I mean, “the forgotten Greek god of body cologne?” I laugh every single time I even think of it. 😀

      Thanks for stopping by today, Jeanne, and taking a few minutes to comment. I know you are looking forward to Peace Talks as much as I am, and we are another week closer, now. So, Yay!!! 😀 ❤

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        • Hehehehe. Good ones! I love the whole polka schtick, too. And Butters, of course. Brilliant character! 😀 But then, I love all his characters, even the nasty ones, because they always seem to have an extra flair to them that makes them outstanding. And of course, his arch-enemy, Gentleman John Marcone, is simply perfection. I love a villain with a weakness for something that isn’t evil hidden away. He’s a worthy opponent, and the two of them are a good match.

          Okay. I confess. I just love these books, period. (Or had you guessed already? 😀 😀 😀 )

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  2. What a great collection of quotes! Like you said there are so many amazing ones to choose from, snarky, sarcastic, and inspirational. Of the ones you highlighted today I really love the “action business’ one. LOL!

    So glad you hooked me into this series, Marcia. I’m at the 75% mark on Proven Guilty. I can’t wait to get back to it, because Harry, Thomas, Murphy, and Charity are in a MAJOR nail biting moment. Once I get through the series, I’m going to have to catch up with some of the short stories. So glad there is a lot more Harry to come! 🙂

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    • Glad you enjoyed the quotes, Mae. I liked all of them, but the “forgotten Greek god of body cologne” just kills me. I’m glad I hooked you on the series, too. It’s always fun to share things like this, and you and Harmony are great reading partners! 🙂 ❤ You'll soon find out how Proven Guilty ends, and I can't wait to hear your reaction to that last scene!

      Yep, we'll have lots of short stories, etc, to read while we wait for Battle Ground in September! But after that, we are going to have to find new ways to occupy our reading moments until #18 comes along. I’ve heard nothing on that, so far. Gulp. There could be major withdrawal symptoms in our future. 😯

      Thanks for stopping by today and taking time to comment, Mae! Happy reading tonight! 😀


    • Glad you enjoyed them, Trish. I find myself laughing out loud as often as I’m gasping at the drama. Just finished Proven Guilty (#8) and will likely start White Night as soon as Mae has a moment to catch up a bit. I might peek at the first chapter while waiting, but no more than that. Shhh. Don’t tell her! 😉 I’m having loads of fun reading all the short stories from the Dresden Files. Quite a few, and every one of them brilliant, too. And when I’m ahead a book on my group reading, I have a way to get my fix without cheating. Much. 😀

      I owe you a BIG FAT catch-up email, for sure. Hoping to find a few minutes for that soon, but I suspect you’d probably rather I keep on writing TE3. (I’m into CH 9, but I want to finish this one before sharing with you guys.)

      Thanks for stopping by today, and for taking a minute to comment. 😀 ❤

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        • Somehow, I had a feeling you were going to say that. 😀 If it’s any help as you wait for Chapter 9, I’ve already got Jake & Dodger back in Cedar Key, and they’ve had contact with Azrael. All in the opening scene. I’m planning to work on it today, and would love to think I can finish the rest of the chapter, though that might be wishful thinking. Still, I’ll be plugging away at it, for sure. 😀 Stay tuned! ❤

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    • I’m such a dweeb, I don’t look at anything, anywhere that might give me so much as a clue to where Peace Talks is going to take us. No spoilers for me, if I can possibly avoid them. So I haven’t even looked at sites listing it, and have even stayed (mostly) away from Jim Butcher’s site, or at least from anything on there that might give away too much. Teasers, trailers, etc. So I didn’t even see it on Net Galley.

      But I have TWO hard copies coming, in addition to my Kindle copy (for reading). I had pre-ordered it right from the start, then I realized I could get a signed copy from B&N, which I then ordered, too. Now, I have an extra copy and am trying to think of a fun way to give it away to someone here on TWS. I’ve been wracking my brains, but don’t have a plan, yet. Any ideas? 😀

      And I’m glad you enjoyed the quotes. There are so many to choose from, it’s hard to decide what I want to do with making my own, and/or picking good ones from elsewhere. Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to comment! 🙂 ❤

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  3. LOVE these quotes! And so many more … And the asshole quote 😀 😀 ❤ And Spot the three-headed dog! That was the one I just reread (and Blood Rites). I'm going to have to reread the series at some point (there are ALL these indie authors on my TBR I really should get to first 😉 )

    Also, I'm blaming you for my diversion into Kate Daniels' world. Damn it! Now I have to read them all, and the library only has, like, 3 books out of the series. I'm on Book 2. That, and I also got distracted with another author, Ann Charles. Humorous mysteries with a paranormal aspect and lots of snark! Maybe that should be my reward for writing: allowing myself to read UF and something not as serious as what I write. And I am resisting the revisit to The Hollows, because I have to get through my next round of revisions first. Wait, that's after Peace Talks. I need a clone to do my reading so I can write (or vice-versa) 😀 😀

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    • Ooooooh. A reading clone! What an excellent idea! We can continue to do our daily jobs, whatever they may be, and all the books we WANT to read will appear in our head, absorbed into our brains via the clone who is constantly reading on our behalf. Oh, if only! 😀

      It’s hard not to love Kate and Curran, for sure, and that series was a huge favorite of mine for a long time. I’ll be reading the new one, too. And the new Mercy Thompson. And NOW, thanks to you, grumble, mumble, I have to check out Ann Charles. Why can’t I be a professional READER? There should be some way to make a living doing that all day long! 😀

      Thanks so much for checking this one out, Julie! I see you’ve caught up, so I’m off to read your comments on the next two in this series. 🙂 ❤

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