Book Review ~ Swamp Ghosts by Marcia Meara #TuesdayBookBlog

Joan Hall shared her lovely review of Swamp Ghosts on her blog today, and it’s perfect timing, too, since I didn’t have anyone scheduled for #ShareAReviewDay. Hope you’ll check it out and will pass it along, far and wide. Thanks so much, and my heartfelt thanks to Joan for a splendid review! 🙂 ❤

Joan Hall

Hey y’all. It’s time for another Tuesday Book Share. I’ve been able to wheedle down my TBR list in the past few weeks. One of the books I read was Marcia Meara’s Swamp Ghosts, the first of her Riverbend Series.

Marcia published this book five years ago, but if you haven’t read it, I highly encourage you to do so. I’ll be reading the rest of her Riverbend Series and more.


Wildlife photographer Gunnar Wolfe looked like the kind of guy every man wanted to be and every woman just plain wanted, and the St. Johns River of central Florida drew him like a magnet. EcoTour boat owner Maggie Devlin knew all the river’s secrets, including the deadliest ones found in the swamps. But neither Maggie nor Gunn was prepared for the danger that would come after them on two legs.

On a quest to make history photographing…

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19 thoughts on “Book Review ~ Swamp Ghosts by Marcia Meara #TuesdayBookBlog

    • Thank you so much, Mary! It makes me very happy to know that! 🙂 I’ll be heading back there before too long. (As soon as I wrap up my WIP and finish the 3rd novella in the Emissary trilogy. Here’s hoping I’ll be able to pick up the pace!) Thanks for stopping by today.

      Liked by 1 person

        • Be patient, Dear Heart. I’m working on the last 4 chapters or so, and then to edit. Hopefully it will be out into the world and into your hot little hands in a month or two, max. I’ll be trying my very best! And I think you’ll really enjoy some of the new characters that come into Rabbit’s life, too. (Hope so, anyway.) 😀 ❤


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