Author Inspiration and This Week’s Writing Links

I love Friday’s posts from Staci Troilo! Inspirational words combined with lots of super links to check out. What’s NOT to love? See for yourself, and then pass it along to the Immediate World. Thanks, and a special thanks to Staci for taking the time to compile these every week. I’d never catch up without them. 🙂

Staci Troilo

Ciao, amici! Good news… I started book two of my new series this week, and I’m so excited about it. This one, I think, is going even better than the first. And I finally got to introduce a character who I think is going to become one of my favorites ever.

I realize I sound cryptic. My apologies. I haven’t really disclosed any details about this project yet, so a lengthier description would be pointless. I’ll start talking about it soon, though.

Until then, suffice it to say that this was a fun writing week for me!

Since I started a new project, I thought my quote of the week should reflect that. I struggled with which one to choose, then finally chose these wise words from Sylvia Plath:

Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.

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