Updated Event Schedule for 2019

For anyone in the central Florida area who might have been planning to come to one of my nature programs or other events, I’ve had to make a couple of schedule changes. I apologize for any inconvenince, but some ongoing issues with my STOOPIT skin cancer problems have left me looking very, erm, shall we say . . . unappealing . . . for a few more weeks. Trust me on this. You’ll enjoy the slide presentations much better if you aren’t distracted by my various facial issues. When all of these places heal, I’ll be back to looking more like a typical granny, and less like an extra from the cast of the Walking Dead.

With that in mind, here are the new dates for my public events through March:

Feb 9 – 11:00 – Tea and Luncheon at DeBary Hall, $25.00 to include catered lunch, custom blended teas, a reading and Q&A session with me, and your choice of one of my books, signed. Reservations required: 386-668-3840  Yummy & fun!

Feb 16 – 1:00pm – Enterprise Museum: Central Florida’s Fabulous Wildlife #8, Backyard Birds Part 1: The Usual Suspects. Slideshow on identifying & attracting wild birds. Free, no reservations required.

March 9 – 1:00 – Enterprise Museum: Central Florida’s Fabulous Wildlife #9,  title to be announced. Free, no Reservations Required.

March 23 – 1:00 – Enterprise Museum: Central Florida’s Fabulous Wildlife #10,  title to be announced. Free, no reservations required.

Hope to see some of you there! Thanks. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. 😀



27 thoughts on “Updated Event Schedule for 2019

    • Thanks, Darlene. Everything is progressing nicely, it’s just that we had to treat a few extra places, and they aren’t ready for prime time, yet. 😀 But I expect them to heal with no scars, etc, and best of all, no more skin cancer! And the public venues I visit are SO understanding when something unexpected comes up. Thankfully, we just moved everything along a bit. 🙂

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    • Thanks, Mary. I’ve sort of lost track of what “normal life” is these days, but at least THIS issue should be fine in a couple more weeks. 😀 Hope all is well with you as we head into this new year? ❤

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      • Not too bad apart from doing my tax return and realising I’m more broke than I thought, a writing course I was going to teach on has been cancelled – but, hey, the sun was shining today and every evening just now I’m privileged to watch the most spectacular murmuration of starlings – over 60,000 of them doing acrobatics right above me. Incredible.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Well, at least I don’t have to worry about that. I already know how broke I am! 😀 😀 😀 But if you can enjoy the sunshine and starlings, you are doing well, my friend. It’s cool enough here today that the a/c is off, and I’m not wearing shorts, so I’m happy. (I’m a simple soul. Doesn’t take much to make me smile.)

          We have your starlings here now, too. Someone introduced them to Central Park in New York, along with several other species, because they were birds mentioned in Shakespeare. The starlings survived and multiplied. They often displace native birds and are not appreciated in some parts of the country, though I admit to liking the sight of them on the wing. Amazing in flight, aren’t they, wheeling this way and that in such coordinated beauty. And they’re so well established here now, there’s no going back, so might as well enjoy them at this point. That’s my theory, anyway. 🙂

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          • We get a few folk complaining about the mess but they are so spectacular and it’s only for a few weeks I think they should think themselves lucky. My car is parked directly under their flight path – but hey, it’ll rain soon enough. I have the central heating on, a back-up electric fire in my study, my sad lamp on my desk and about four layers of clothes!

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            • I don’t complain about ANY native animals, really. It’s just that starlings aren’t hative to North America. We already had our own blackbirds, grackles, and the like. So far as I know, though, starlings haven’t misplaced any native animals, so I’m for enjoying them. 🙂 Sorry about your car, though. 😦

              I was just considering changing back to shorts as the afternoon warmed up quite a bit, but it’s dropping again now. Nothing drastic, but jeans will feel better than shorts. No jackets. No sweaters. Not even a long-sleeved shirt. Just a nice break from the 80+ temps of last week, which in themselves, were a nice break from the 90+ temps before. We COULD get a freeze in the next few days, but it won’t last longer than a day or so, at most. Florida. The rules are different here. 😀

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    • Thanks, Mae. I do have some fun events coming up. Two to three every month through September, so far. A couple are private clubs, and two are Meet the Author Eco Tours on the river. FUN!! I love them, and I’m sorry I had to cancel January’s. But I’ll be back at it soon! 😀

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        • These events/get-togethers/presentations are my favorite thing about writing. Other than actually telling the stories, of course. 😀 So much fun to meet new readers, and some of them turn into old friends. I have a few who come to everything I do, and it’s always so good to see them. Plus, I just have a good time, myself, and come home all fired up and ready to write more. 😀


    • Oh, would love to see you at one of them, Olga. They’re more like “chats,” I think, with lots of visual aids and back & forth with the audience. I try to make them as much fun as possible. It’d be great to have some of my online friends drop by, for sure! 🙂


    • Ha! I see what you’re up to, Girly! And I approve. (Anyone who’s eager for the next Rabbit story is okay in my book!! 😉 ) But I hope I don’t have to cancel any future events, as these places make up their calendars long in advance, sending out flyers, and contacting local papers. And I hate letting them down or disappointing any folks planning to attend. But with any luck, the rest of the year will be fine. And I promise to hang in there long enough to finish this 4th WRR book, especially now that you’ve read the draft and approve. 😀


    • Thank you, Harmony. Things are coming along fine, though slowly. My ear surgery “wound” is almost healed. Still oozy after 8 weeks, but shrunken down to less than half of the original size. Doctor says cartilage heals slowly and it looks good to him. And the rest of these places on my face are very unattractive right now, yeah, but that’s what they’re supposed to do as they kill precancer cells. I shouldn’t even have any scars afterward, which is a miracle. There were so many across the top and sides of my nose, if we hadn’t caught them, I shudder to think what would have happened. (I’d be getting one of those little tin noses like Lee Marvin wore in Cat Ballou! 😀 A reference only those of a certain age are likely to remember.) 😀

      Overall, it’s going well, if inconvenient. 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks, Staci! Should be all healed in another couple of weeks, and then, it’s back to Industrial Strength sunblock, all day, every day. 😀 (Working on WRR4 for ya. Hope to have the draft done soon!) ❤

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    • Thanks, Robbie! I’ve used it in the past, too, but I didn’t have quite such a public schedule to maintain as I do today. My ear “wound” is now about 1/4 of the original size, and still healing. The doc is pleased. My nose and upper lip, though–well, let’s just say it ain’t a purty sight! (Does the term “road rash” ring a bell?) And it sounds like you know just what I mean. I’ve completed the two week daily application portion, so now it’s just wait for those scabs you mention to form, heal, and disappear. Ugh.

      BUT. Every single one of those places had the potential (and likelihood) of becoming a full-on skin cancer, which could have resulted in lopping off a goodly portion of my nose and upper lip. So I’m very, very grateful for Efudex cream. It should kill them ALL!! Yay! 😀

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      • I do know exactly what you mean. I had a 2 cm around scab on my nose. Every time I looked down I could see it. I also didn’t feel like facing people then but I had to fetch my kids and do certain things in life. It will go soon and, hopefully, that will be it for you. That cream is highly effective.

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