Fantasy Sub-Genres

For you folks who write any kind of fantasy at all, Nicholas Rossis has posted a great list to help you determine which fantasy genre is applicable to your work. Check it out! You may be able to use several of these sub-categories to get more eyes on your books. Thanks, Nicholas!

Nicholas C. Rossis

Fantasy magic book | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books Image: Pixabay

When I finished my first book in the Pearseus universe, I was faced with an unexpected problem: everyone kept saying that identifying your genre was important. But my book crossed many genres. It was, essentially, a fantasy tale taking place in the future, with technology and a tiny bit of crystal magic. So, how the heck do you find a genre to shoehorn this kind of book into?

After several unsuccessful attempts to do so, I now describe it as science fiction fantasy (aka science fantasy) but wish I had come across this handy guide from Thoughts on Fantasy before I spent so many hours researching fantasy subgenres!

From Tolkienesque High Fantasy to Paranormal Romance, this is the ultimate guide for all things fantasy. Just click on a link below for a brief description of that subgenre, examples of books written in it, and typical elements that characterize…

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5 thoughts on “Fantasy Sub-Genres

    • It definitely is, and as someone who writes books that could easily fit in several of these categories, I hope you’ll find it useful, Mae. I know I’m going to. I’ve never been able to figure out where to put my WRR books or my Emissary novellas. (Actually, Riverbend series is a crossover, too, just not fantasy.) Why don’t these books of ours make up their minds where they belong??? 😀

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