The Liebster Award

Look who just won a Liebster! My congratulations to Mae Clair for this award, and my thanks to her for nominating me, as well. (I’ll be participating in a day or so, as soon as I’ve wrapped up a deadline project). Check out Mae’s post, and learn some fun things about her. Then pass it along so others can “meet” her, too. Thanks!

From the Pen of Mae Clair

Icon for the Liebster AwardHey, friends! It’s been a very long while since I’ve done an award post or been nominated for one, so I was honored to be nominated for the Liebster Award by Jessica Bakkers. Jess has a great blog with a wide variety of content, including her ongoing posts about INFJs, the topic that connected us initially. If you don’t know Jessica, I highly recommend you check out her spot in the blogosphere and say hello. Lots of fun happenings over there! πŸ™‚

For the Liebster Award, the rules are:

  1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.
  3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 11 blogs
  5. Notify those blogs of the nomination.
  6. Give them 11 questions to answer.

The eleven questions Jessica sent my way are:

What is your favourite childhood memory?
Sitting under the stars with my father and…

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9 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

    • Thanks, Deb. I’m going to have fun with those questions, and will be taking part as soon as I can. Down to the wire on my Smithsonian thingie for Saturday, and still tweaking the slides, and making notes on what I want to talk about. And I’m a day late already on my #NotesFromTheRiver post, too. Plus some other things I need to get done before my company arrives this weekend. GAH. But the good news is, things should be slowing down greatly by the start of the week. Thank goodness! I can use a slower pace for a few weeks. πŸ™‚ ❀

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        • I’ll pass that along to my daughter. She told me last night that my son and I are the only two adults she knows who go to bed earlier than my 4-year-old grandson! Hahaha. By 7:00, I am DONE with pretty much anything that involves either moving or thinking. I head to bed by 9:00, and read an hour or so, then it’s lights out. (I used to be up reading until 1:00am or so every night, but those days disappeared when I got so sick a couple of years ago, and they never came back! 😯 )

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          • Well good for you for telling yourself when it’s enough already. Unfortunately I’m still at the work stage til 11pm and reading til 2am if I can keep my eyes open. But writing- not a shot I have a creative ounce in me after 6pm. πŸ™‚ xx

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            • I wish I could say it was a matter of choice. I have never quite gotten back the same level of energy I had before I caught that mutated killer H2N1 (H1N2?) swine flu 3 years ago. I shouldn’t complain. A lot of people died from that one, and though I was totally out of commission for 5 long weeks, I survived! So what if I’m too tired by evening to do a lot. I’m at work by 7:30 every single day of the week, and often still at this nearly 12 hours later. That’s enough, anyway! πŸ˜€ But I confess, that even though my body insists I lie down, some nights I read for much longer than others. πŸ™‚ The one thing I don’t do any more is watch tv. At all. The news is on during dinner, but after that, Mark takes his tv habit to the living room, and I go back to the computer until my body screams “STOP!!! Enough, already!” Squeezing out that last hour of work is the best I can do. πŸ˜€

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              • I think you are very well disciplined my friend. I hope to become as regimented as you one day. For now, I’ll continue to abuse myself working, running, doing, writing, reading, 16 hours a day. I’m already down to 4-5 hours sleep, so I can’t sacrifice much more lol. You’re a powerhouse Marsh no matter how much you downplay it. ❀

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                • You are too kind, but thanks. And I’m glad I’m not the only one running on 4 to 6 hours’ sleep a night. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to squeeze in more than that, before the dogs get me up! I have dreams about 8 hours of restful sleep. But they are SHORT dreams, because I’m not asleep long enough for mor than that! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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