Sharing Janet Gogerty’s Great 5* Review of Wake-Robin Ridge


One of the best things about The Write Stuff is the way our fellow writers and readers support each other. In addition to all the friendships and  helpful advice engendered here, this blog encourages the sharing and promoting of all our talented authors. Janet posted this review in the Comments section of Rosie’s post on August Reviews, and I just wanted to share it with all of you as a reminder of the ways we help each other. (And because it’s a terrific review, too. THANK YOU, Janet!) Enjoy!


Even the two dogs will steal your heart in this gripping story.

‘A great story teller’ was my first impression as I quickly got into this story, or rather two interwoven tales. I enjoy novels set in more than one time and in this book the chapter headings helpfully tell us when and where we are. I have never been to the USA and if I ever get there I would rather visit Wake-Robin Ridge than Disneyland! This is a rounded tale, a romance and ghost story, but also a delightful journey to a beautiful part of the USA. Two very different love stories and four very different lives. I was so involved, that half way through the novel I thought I had misread that it was also a ghost story, so when the first paranormal event occurred it came as a complete shock. Without giving anything away, the description of that first night of terror was more vivid than any horror movie. If I did visit the Blue Ridge Mountains, I would certainly not stay by myself! I look forward to reading more by this author.

Now Permanently Priced at $.99
Wake-Robin Ridge Book 1


21 thoughts on “Sharing Janet Gogerty’s Great 5* Review of Wake-Robin Ridge

  1. Wake-Robin Ridge finally came up to the top of my to-be-read pile. I am totally enjoying it right now. I can’t wait to continue the series. This was a wonderful review that you should be proud of (And a good reminder to make sure and leave a review when I am done). Thanks for posting it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have been SO blessed with such nice reviews, Marie, that when the occasional “Meh” one shows up, it doesn’t even bother me. (Much. 🙂 ) Thanks for the encouragement, and I hope you will continue to enjoy the rest of the book. (Peacock is nearing the top of my TBR stack, too. I haven’t forgotten you. Things have just snowballed around here! I promise I WILL read and review as soon as I possibly can.)


  2. Congratulations for this great review!
    I like the fact that it has no spoilers. I dislike when reviewers tell the story, sometimes in detail, thus making the buying of the book by other people useless.
    I realize, once again, we have so much in common, Marcia!
    I hope one day you’ll read my books, too, to see what I mean. I have just bought your book and will push it to the top of the TBR list. Have a lovely weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Judith. It was lovely to find it here on The Write Stuff today, and I wanted to move it to t he fore, to share with everyone. You folks are SO welcome to share promos and special reviews, too, so we can send them out into the world to multiply. 🙂 And thank YOU for the wonderful reviews you’ve given me, too. SO appreciated!

      Liked by 1 person

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