6 thoughts on “What You’re Promising By Writing a Novella

  1. Very interesting article, Linda. (I really enjoy the things you share with us). I have to say, while I understood each concept S. E. Jones expressed, I’m still not sure how I’d even go about such a thing. It’s all I can do to keep my NOVELS down to something a person wouldn’t need a forklift to pick up. 🙂 Short stories and novellas just don’t make me want to write them, though I confess to LOVING good short stories. I now have two full bookshelves of anthologies. But writing them? Or novellas? The concept makes my brain hurt. 😥

    I’m going to bookmark the article, though, if for no other reason than it might help me understand why some novellas work so much better than others. Thanks again for sharing!

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    • Ha, ha, Marcia! I have some hefty books, too–but I had an idea that would lend itself well to a novella. Was the story challenging to write? Yes! But the process helped me further hone my writing skills. I finally comprehend that elusive concept, “Make every word count.” 😉

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      • I think my editor’s biggest job with me is trimming…um…cutting…oh, heck…SLASHING my lengthy paragraphs down to size. I’m not a “Less is More” kinda person. To me, less is just LESS. More is more, obviously. Or we’d call it something else. 😀

        I’ve only read a few novellas, but boy, I love good short stories, and believe it to be a whole different art form than writing a novel. I truly admire those who have mastered it. But at some point, I may want to do some shorter things, too, so it’s good to have some references to fall back on. 🙂

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  2. Thanks for sharing this Linda. I enjoy writing shorter books sometimes. I’d read from many Indie publications that putting out a short book in between time periods before a next big book gives readers a chance to read a little something new by their favorite authors to keep them ‘fed’ until the bigger novel is published. Novellas can also be prequels to bigger books soon to come. I think they have their place for readers. Some like to read short books due to time constraints. I know I enjoy reading them. 🙂

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