Indie Success –10 things that really matter

A wonderful reminder for those of us who are self-published, of why we do what we do, and why we should be proud of it!

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Hans Christian Andersen by Anne Grahame Johnstone Hans Christian Andersen by Anne Grahame Johnstone

There are a lot of articles and reports out there giving various and often conflicting figures about the Indie book market. All seem to agree, however, that the percentage of Indie writers and publishers is huge and growing. You only have to read a few Indie books to realise there is some seriously good stuff out there and marvel at the ingenuity and diversity of the imaginations from which they were born.

Yet there is still a stigma attached to independently published work. There are those, it is true, who see it only as a way to make a fast buck and churn out little more than rubbish. These are not writers in my opinion and it is not of their books I speak, they are little more than opportunists; marketeers who, seeing a potentially lucrative product churn out a cheap imitation that…

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7 thoughts on “Indie Success –10 things that really matter

    • My pleasure, Sue, and thanks so much for joining us here. I really need to redo my original welcome post! When I started this, I thought it would be my personal writing blog, but within a few days, I knew that wasn’t what I wanted. This is a user-friendly, welcoming place for all writers, and everyone is encouraged to share news, promos, excerpts, tidbits, resources, and anything they like. Plus it’s a good place to come when you have a question, too. Members are very generous with their knowledge. Many have become regular contributors here. You’ve joined us in the middle of Excerpt Week, so if you have anything at all you’d like to share from a book, a WIP, or a collection of stories, etc, we’d love to read it, and send it out to our groups. Just email me at, and I’ll give you the info you need, in order to get some extra eyes on your work. Always a good thing, right?

      I enjoyed this article very much, and I know I’m going to enjoy following your blog, as well. Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

        • What a coincidence! We have a limited readership right here! Limited to about 650 folks, that is. 🙂 I took a look around your site, and enjoyed several of your poems very much. If you aren’t sure about your longer works, perhaps you’d like to share a poem or two with us between now and Sunday. Several of us here are quite fond of poetry, myself included, and I like the mystical elements of the ones I read on your blog. Just a thought. However you choose to use it, this site is here for you . Hope you make some new friends! 🙂


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