#Christmas Ads – Two New Samples

These were the quickest and easiest to make so far, and I hope some of you might be inspired to do something similar! Again, if I were running a sale, I’d add another line saying “On Sale Today,” or something similar. But I want to use these all season, so I went with Merry Christmas, instead. I can see doing these as Beach Reads in the summer, or as Halloween Reads, if your books are spooky. You can tailor the image and the wording as needed. And, I made these the size of Facebook headers, so I can use them there, too, if I want.

Hope you’ll have fun making your own. 🙂

#Christmas Ad Memes? What Do You Think?

Decided to experiment with some “Christmas Ads.” (Hey, all the stores are doing it, or hadn’t you noticed?) This is the first one I came up with, but I have ideas for more. And of course, I’ll add Buy Links to any Tweets or other Social Media.

Whaddya think? Thumbs up or thumbs down? Me, I dont’ think it could hurt, and I figured I’d share, in case it gave you any ideas for your own Christmas Ads. 😀

Wake-Robin Ridge: http://amzn.to/2x7li87

A Boy Named Rabbit: http://amzn.to/2gJpOCs

Harbinger: http://amzn.to/2w30QQx