Update on Audio Version of Swamp Ghosts

Good News!!

Thanks to an interesting and encouraging post by Don Massenzio, I decided it was time to make my work available as audio books. I signed on with ACX, put up a sample from Swamp Ghosts (the one I’ve had the most requests for), and found a reader whose voice I thought would work. Yesterday, I got the news she has finished recording, and now it’s up to me to listen to the entire book, suggest any changes I feel are necessary, within guidelines, upload the cover resized for a jewel case, and voila! It will be ready to finalize and publish.

So far, this has been an easy process, though with books as long as mine, it does take some time to get them both recorded (on the reader’s end) and proofread (proofheard?) on mine. I have to find 9 hours and 44 minutes in which to sit back and listen, chapter by chapter, author’s notes, acknowledgements, and all. That’s a big chunk of time for me, which I will have to tackle in bits and pieces, but in the long run, it will be worth it.  Audio books are growing at an unprecedented rate, and I believe it’s important to be sure readers have that option.

When this is all over, I’ll post about the entire experience, but I just had to share that the longest portion–reading a 400-plus-page book aloud–is over! I listened to the prologue tonight, and think it sounds darn good, so I’m really excited to see how my narrator has done with the rest, and very much looking forward to being able to offer all of my novels in audio form!

What about you guys? Any of you thinking  of producing audio books? Have you started yet? Do you like to read them, yourself? Have you had experiences you’d like to share? We’d like to hear from you.

#SwampGhosts Audio Book Update

Wow. Things are moving right along. After listening to quite a few audition tapes, I found one reader I believe will be perfect. The tone of her voice is exactly what I wanted, and her southern accent isn’t over the top. So, I made her an offer, and she accepted. I just sent her the manuscript, and the next step is that she will record the first 15 minutes of the book, and submit for my comments, suggestions, and approval. Once we’ve covered that, she’ll read the rest of the book, and submit for my final approval. At that point, I should only be looking for small mistakes. We should be able to iron out everything else from the first 15 minutes.

I’m so excited, I can hardly stand it. Will keep you posted as this process continues.