My Updated Schedule of Events Through September

For those of you in the area who might like to attend some of these talks and events, here are the updated dates and topics. Had to adjust a few, due to unavoidable circumstances, but I’m still hoping to see a few of you at some of them.

NOTE: All talks are from 1:00 to 3:00pm and are FREE, no reservations required. The only exception is the Autumn Tea & Luncheon, which starts at 11:00, is $15, and for which reservations are necessary. For any other information, feel free to email me, or call DeBary Hall, 386-668-3840 or Enterprise Museum 386-259-5900.


July 13: Backyard Birds #1 “The Usual Suspects” – DeBary Hall
July 20: Furry Critters #1 “Those Squirrely Guys” – Enterprise Museum

August 3: Florida’s Fabulous Wildlife: “For Goodness Snakes”- Enterprise Museum
August 10: Backyard Birds #2 “The Tricky Guys” DeBary Hall
August 24: Furry Critters #2 – “Raccoons & Other Raiders” – Enterprise Museum

September 14: Backyard Birds #3 – “Attracting Birds to Your Yard” – DeBary Hall
September 28: Autumn Tea & ChitChat – 11:00am – $15.00 (includes luncheon)Β  -Enterprise Museum RESERVATIONS REQUIRED

17 thoughts on “My Updated Schedule of Events Through September

    • OH, wouldn’t that be fun?? I’d LOVE to see you come walking through the door of the classroom! πŸ˜€ And then, of course, I’d make you stay around for days and days so we could do some fun stuff, like go out on the river for an eco-tour! πŸ˜€ ❀ πŸ˜€


    • That’s a fox squirrel, Mae, and about double the size of the typical gray squirrel. (The color of fox squirrels can be extremely variable). We have two sub-species of them in Florida, and they are magnificent, though not seen as often as they once were, I’m afraid.

      And I hope you’re right. I love doing these, but only when I can tell the audience is enjoying them, too. Mammals, in general, are a little out of my wheelhouse (as they say) in that I’m much more familiar with birds and reptiles. But I’ve seen some wonderfully interesting mammals over the years and have been researching them in more depth for this series of talks.

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      • I have no doubt you’ll give an excellent presentation. I’m unfamiliar with fox squirrels, but that photo really stood out.

        There is a pure white albino squirrel in my dentist’s neighborhood that I have been lucky to see twice now. My husband (who goes to the same dentist) still doesn’t believe me, LOL!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Both albino and leucistic white squirrels exist in “pocket populations.” We have them in the panhandle. Both are white, but they are not the same thing, genetically. You can tell the albinos by their pink eyes, for one thing. The leucistics have black eyes and sometimes have a few dark markings on them. Sometimes not. Tell your husband you are not having laughing gas hallucinations. πŸ˜€

          Fox squirrels are amazing. You’d love them. They lope like otters, being far too big to scurry like gray squirrels.


  1. If only there wasn’t an ocean between us! I love all wildlife (I have two squirrels, a hedgehog and various toads/frongs who call my garden ‘home’ and cost me a fortune to feed (well not the frogs and toads) not to mention myriad wild birds. I’d love to be able to go to one of these events they sound fabulous!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You sound like me, except for the hedgehog! πŸ™‚ We don’t have them in Florida. I love wildlife, too, and I really enjoy sharing some of the special things that live in Florida with others. Maybe someday you’ll get here, who knows? That would be great, and stranger things have happened! πŸ˜€

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  2. whoops, I meant frogs not frongs – what’s a frong?) The birds eat me out of house and home and I also have a horse and a ‘rescue’ dog, and ‘ferel’ cat to do the mousework down at the stables, so I’m a bit of a hopeless case!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Frongs? Frogs that like songs? Cousins to those things that grow on ferns? I give up. πŸ˜€ Yes, I fully understand the expense of bird food, so I dole it out sparingly. Besides, I don’t want it to be the only thing they eat all day. That wouldn’t be good for them OR my pocketbook! πŸ˜€ Saturday, I’ll be talking to local folks about our most commonly seen backyard birds. Wish you could come. (They wouldn’t likely be common to you at all! πŸ˜€ )

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  3. The starlings and pidgeon sare on the feeders like vultures as soon as I fill them and I have to keep them filled so the little birds get a chance! Yes, I think a lot of your birds would be unusual to see over here – I would love to be able to see have hummingbirds in my garden!

    Liked by 1 person

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