#FirstLineFriday – New #GiveawayContest – #BookTrivia

Earlier this week, I mentioned that I would be starting a little giveaway contest today, and here I am, doing just that. If you’re like me, you probably have a head stuffed full of trivia, much of which comes from books you’ve read.

With that in mind, on Friday mornings, I will be posting the opening line from a famous book. It might be classical literature, pulp fiction, or anything in between. But it will be something most of us have heard of and possibly even read. Your assignment, should you choose to play along, is to email me at marciameara16@gmail.com with the title and author of the book in question. The first 5 people to do so will win a download of one of my books, their choice. 

For those winners who have already read all of my books, you may either 1) get a credit for a free download of my next release, or 2) give me the email of a friend or family member you’d like me to send the free download to. 

That’s it. Easy-peasy.  When I run out of ideas for first lines, I’ll switch to other book-related trivia. My only criteria will be keeping it relatively simple, quick, and fun.

Of course, I’m trusting you guys to play fair. No Googling, please. No, I have no way of knowing if you look up an answer or not, but I think at least most of you are good sorts who wouldn’t dream of peeking. And the rest? Well I’ll just have to hope you aren’t eager to bring that kind of BAD KARMA down on your little punkin’ heads. 😀 Seriously, it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

Also, keep in mind, some of these will be much more obvious than others, as I plan to mix it up a bit. (Not everyone has been reading for over 65 years, as I have.)

Again, just email me with the correct title and author of the book from which the quoted opening line is taken.  If you are among the first five correct answers I receive, you win. 🙂  Hopefully, this will be a fun little test of your book trivia knowledge, prize or no prize. Ready to play? Here’s your first opening line:

It was a pleasure to burn.

Have at it, and good luck!

21 thoughts on “#FirstLineFriday – New #GiveawayContest – #BookTrivia

    • Just answered your email, Harmony, and congratulations! You are the first the winner EVER of “First Line Friday Giveaway!” 😀 I tried to start with one that wasn’t real difficult, but didn’t necessarily give the answer away in the line.

      When we have 5 winners, I’ll let folks know, and then we can discuss the book, if anyone would like to. Thanks for playing, Harmony! 🙂 ❤ And THANKS for the reblog. The more, the merrier! 😀 (I made that up, you know. 😀 )

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    • So glad you think so, Staci. I know you have read all of my books, but don’t forget, should you be a winner, you can gift your prize to a friend or family member you think might enjoy one of them, too. 🙂 I’m looking forward to having fun with this, myself. 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks, Robbie. Email me your answer and I’ll see that you get your choice from one of my books. I’ve discovered I can’t gift a download from Amazon.com to other countries, but there are ways around that. I can email you a PDF or .mobi file, for instance. I do know you prefer audio books, but I haven’t worked up my nerve to try another of those yet. (Actually, I haven’t had one minute to devote to it.) But either way, if you send me your answer, I’ll find a way to get you a book, OR gift one to a recipient of your choice.

      And I loved this book, too, though it has been years since I read it. A favorite author of mine, as well. 😀

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    • Ah-ha! Glad it wouldn’t have helped to have missed her response, and a good idea for me to remind folks replying to be very careful not to give it away. (I’m guessing you and Robbie have either discussed this one, or she posted about it recently?) But that’s okay. You’ll have lots of chances to play. I’ve already run into a kink or two on my end that I’ve had to sort through, so it will run more smoothly next week! I’m going to get it down to a real system, because I’m so looking forward to it. 🙂

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        • See, even I am careless about comments! Doh. At any rate, once I have it totally sorted as to what works best, I’ll post the rules in the Header Link so everyone will know just what to expect. And you never know. At some point, I may be giving away books from other authors, too, just to keep things interesting. 😀 In the meantime, I do love book trivia and hope you folks will, too. 😀

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    • I agree on both counts, and if you’ll email me with the author and title, I’ll gift you with a download of one of my books, for yourself, or for a friend. OR, if you’d rather, you can have a raincheck to use when my next release comes out. Either way, I’m pretty sure you are a winner! 😀

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    • That’s okay, Mae. I plan to run this for some time, and I’m still working out the best way to handle it, so tweaking away, here. You can mark your calendar for next Friday, though, and check in sometime between 8am and 12pm. If you know the answer, drop me an EMAIL, and if you are among the first 5, you WIN! And haha, it fooled you, huh? 😀

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