I’ll Be MIA for a Day or Two

My dental appointment resulted in some unexpected issues, including an extraction and bone graft, and I’m definitely not feeling well today. Between pain meds and . . . well, PAIN . . . I’m probably going to have to do some serious thinning of my latest emails later, as I won’t be able to keep up until I’m feeling better. Will get back to those I can handle as soon as I’m able. Thanks for understanding.

27 thoughts on “I’ll Be MIA for a Day or Two

    • Thanks, Miriam. It wasn’t/isn’t fun, but I’m doing much better, and might feel pretty decent tomorrow, fingers crossed. I’ve been resting all day, pretty much, and following the instructions I was given, and so far, so good. 🙂

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    • I was doing pretty well from January to September 10, but then that hussy, Irma, showed up, and sent everything off the rails! 😯 I’m feeling better tonight, though, and hoping for a good day tomorrow. Thanks, Debby! 🙂 ❤

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    • Fingers crossed for you! I hope all goes well.

      As I was lying back in the dentist’s chair Wednesday, I muttered, “And to think I drove over here of my own free will!” GAH. It’s like paying a truckload of money to be tortured and traumatized!! But in spite of a major dental phobia, I go regularly and do what I’m supposed to do. It’s just once in a while, things happen, blood is spilled, and pain is definitely incurred. 😯

      On the plus side, I’m vertical today, so that’s an improvement, even though I don’t feel like doing much, yet. Hope you’ll be full of smiles on Monday! 🙂

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