#Bold&BlatantSelfPromo – #SummerMagic – #Poetry

Thought I’d take advantage of this being a slow week on TWS, and you know what that means? Yep. Gonna share something I wrote with you, namely a poem from my book Summer Magic: Poems of Life and Love. If you enjoy this one, there’s more where it came from in this little book. (And it can be yours for the low, low, low price of just $.99!! Hmmm. Better be careful here. It sounds like I’m hawking pillowcases on tv, doesn’t it?) 

Seriously, if you enjoy poetry, I hope you’ve already checked out my offering, but if you haven’t yet done so, maybe this post will encourage you to take a look. EITHER way, I hope you enjoy today’s offering!


Pale blue eyes,
Fringed in black,
Look out at the world
With the wild, free spirit
Only a ten-year-old boy
Knows how to nurture.

A shock of black hair falls over his brow
As he frowns thoughtfully,
Examining a scab on one knobby knee.
A souvenir from yesterday’s hike,
Acquired while showing off for Dad.

Long and thin, his scraped-up legs
Have become maps of small hurts,
Tracing each day of his summer.
A scratch here, from picking
Wild blackberries,
And a bruise there, from
Swinging on a low limb.
Those and so many more,
Injuries acquired while calling,
Watch, Dad, watch!
See what I can do!

Attesting to his bravery,
Marking his adventures,
And confirming in his mind
His place among Immortals.

His dad sighs, all too aware
More bumps and scrapes
Lie ahead.
No way to guard him
Against the future bruises
Life will bring.
His boy will be marked,
Abraded by time and
The world around him,
Though some scars will be
Much less obvious than others.
And someday, scabby knees
Will be counted as nothing,
When weighed against
Those invisible wounds.
                                     … By Marcia Meara


Summer Magic: Poems of Life & Love is a collection of contemporary poetry about exactly that–life and love. The first part of the book features poems about the magic a young boy discovers while camping in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The second part of the book has a sampling of poetry about love, life and death, autumn, and dreams coming true.


Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2021
Verified Purchase
“Summer Magic” is a wonderful collection of poetry presented in two parts. The first part was based on a character, Mac, from a favorite series of mine, Wake-Robin Ridge. The poems are an amazing glimpse into his childhood and the mountains he grew up in. The second half of the book offered beautiful images that tugged at my heart or took me on a journey. Here are a few of my favorite passages:

“Stars, he thinks, pulled loose/From the fabric of the sky,/And flung toward earth/Trailing silver and gold,/And bringing a piece of Heaven/To those watching below,”

“Caught in that space between/Daylight and dusk,/When all things seem possible,/And the ordinary,/Remarkable,”

“Reminds me of those early days/When all water rushed clear and cold,/And teemed with Promise so bright/You could almost catch it in your hands,”

and “Bees moving slowly from/Flower to flower,/In dance weighed down by heat.”

This is a collection I highly recommend, and I’ll definitely be reading it again.

Download Your Copy of Summer Magic HERE
for just $.99!

36 thoughts on “#Bold&BlatantSelfPromo – #SummerMagic – #Poetry

    • Thanks, Harmony! Glad you enjoyed the poem, and I’m so pleased with the reviews this little book has gotten. Each one was a pleasure to read! Thanks for stopping by today, too. Hope you’re having a peaceful, comfortable one! 🤗❤️🤗

      Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, thanks so much, Robbie. Your review was absolutely fabulous, too, and I appreciated it so much.

      I still write poetry as much as I’m still writing anything else. Which is to say, I haven’t written much at all over the last two years, thanks to COVID and other health issues. The good news (for me, at least) is that I plan to get back into the game very soon. And I even have a few poems from some time ago that have never been published, so I might actually put together another little book of poetry, too.

      Fingers crossed that my health stays steady and I can do a bit more before I head to the front porch and the rocking chair. 😀 Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to comment. AND again, thanks for the fabulous review! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    • Believe me, the pleasure was all mine, Denise. Your review (and all the other lovely ones I received) makes me so happy I could dance. (Though these days, that wouldn’t be a prettysight! 😀 ) Glad you enjoyed reading it again, too, and thanks so much for stopping by to let me know! 😀 ❤


  1. A great review from Denise of a book of poetry that I love. If there were a paperback version I’d buy it because it’s something I like to keep coming back to when something reminds me of one of these poems – it’s not as easy on a Kindle, but I still do it. A beautiful collection, Marcia! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, thanks so much, Trish! It’s such a short book, I haven’t set it up for print. (Kinda like my novellas, though I HAVE been thinking about putting those out in print.) Maybe I should write more poems, and the combine them all into a small book? Hopefully, I’ll be back to writing very soon, though life keeps conspiring to get in the way of my doing so. But SOOOOON.

      Thanks so much for your kind words, and I’m truly happy that you enjoy the poetry. Poems were the first things I ever wrote, back when I was five years old. I wish I still had some of those creations. *sigh* It would be a hoot to read them today.

      Thanks for stopping by today, and with any luck, I may actually catch up on my email tomorrow. Gonna give it a shot, anyway! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for passing any info along, Yvette. Actually, I should have mentioned the $.99 price is not a special sale price, but rather the year-round price. (Such a bargain, eh? 😀 ) Glad you have the book and I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read it. Thanks for stopping by, too. Have a great week! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • So happy to hear that, Mae. A lot of love went into writing the collection, and I hope a few new readers will discover it via this post, too. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m super happy you think so, Jan. That’s exactly what I was aiming for. The first half of the book deals with MacKenzie Cole (from Wake-Robin Ridge) and the years he spent camping in the mountains each summer with his dad. I wanted to accent their relationship, in addition to the beauty of the mountains, and how those early days influenced the man he grew into. (Plus it gave me a chance to write about the North Caroline mountains again, and that was a treat in itself.)

      The second half of the little book deals with a variety of things, including the longest poem which is about my connection to the rivers and wildlife in Central Florida, and my love of canoeing. The whole endeavor was so much fun, I’m now thinking about a new collection.

      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to let me know your thoughts!
      😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for such a lovely comment, Gwen! I’m so glad you enjoyed the collection, and I agree that Denise’s review was wonderful. I had a hard time deciding which one to use for this post, as even though they aren’t numerous, the reviews for Summer Magic have been real ego-boosters, for sure. I’ve loved every one of them to date!

      And if this one evoked memories from when your sons were boys, then it did just what I was hoping it would do. I really appreciate you dropping by to let me know, too. Have a wonderful day! 😀 ❤


    • Thank you so much, Diana! I’m very happy that you enjoyed this collection, and I appreciate your well wishes, too! Yeah, promo is not a problem for me often, but I’m not always comfortable doing it on my own blog. However, I still take advantage now and then when it’s a slow week. But honestly, I’ve got to do some serious marketing this year, for sure. Just can’t decide on what I want to try first. (I’ve ruled out setting up a website, after the comments last week, but think it’s time for some paid ads here or there. Might do another survey first.)

      Thanks for stopping by, and hope you’re having a fantastic day! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Have you tried bookbub? I know it’s expensive and that can feel terrifying, but I’ve had excellent luck with it, always covered my cost, and the sales continue for months after the promotion. It’s idea for a series. Wake Robin Ridge would be awesome. Something to consider.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I am definitely considering BookBub at some point, Diana, depending on my budget. I’ll probably start small, but I’ll aim high! 😀 Glad to know you had such great success with it. I’ve heard others say the same thing, so it’s on my list, for sure. Thanks so much for the input! 🤗❤️

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