21 thoughts on “#GrannySays – #Humor #Inspiration #Wisdom

    • Thanks, Yvette. And I made this one up myself, too! At my age, especially, it’s important to focus on the fact that I’ve been given a fresh start, yet again.

      Glad you enjoyed this one, and thanks for stopping by to let me know! 😀 ❤

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    • Granny’s learned a thing or two over her many years, Priscilla. Sometimes she needs a reminder though, and this is one she tells herself quite often. Thanks so much for stopping by, and let’s see what we can make of THIS day we’ve been given! 😀 ❤


    • Exactly so, Trish. Every time you wake up, you’ve been given another chance, and for me, it pays to remind myself of that. Glad you like it, and thanks so much for stopping by to let me know! 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks, Annika, and you are SO right. I’m sitting safely in my own home, sipping my tea, and visiting with my online friends. So many people are not that lucky today, and I’ve made up my mind to work harder at being aware of all I’ve been given, and to never take anything for granted. Enjoy your day, and thanks for spending a few moments of it over here on The Write Stuff! 😀 ❤

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    • For me, like for many, mornings can be difficult. But honestly, so much of it is mindset. When look at the morning as the start of another chance to do things better, it inspires me to get going and make that happen. Thanks so much for stopping by today, Jeanne, and I hope your day turns out to be one you feel really good about! 😀 ❤

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    • Hahahaha. That’s a very good point, Barb. And yep. Mostly I do. Now if I still had my hearing and had MUCH better eyesight, why I could pretend I was still spry and chipper and just in my 60’s again!

      Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to share a laugh! 😀 ❤

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    • It’s a great thing to remember and an easy one to forget, so I’m glad you’re already in the habit of telling yourself that, Teri. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a minute to say hello! 😀 ❤

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