Happy Tewe’s Day!

Just touching base to let you know I’m still here, and still improving slowly. Far too slowly to suit me, but it beats the heck outta getting worse, that’s for sure! 😁 

I’m kinda at a standstill on my Riverbend WIP and haven’t been quite “sharp” enough to make much progress on my Wake-Robin Ridge spinoff novella, either. Not quite sure what’s going on here, as I’ve never had this happen before, but this came to me yesterday. Maybe you guys can identify with it?

Writer’s block,
Mind in a cage,
Hours go by,
What a crock!
My brain stays stuck,
Under a rock.
Writer’s block.

And on that note of silliness, I shall get back to … something. Who knows? Today, that something might even be WRITING! 

48 thoughts on “Happy Tewe’s Day!

    • Glad you enjoyed it, Harmony. It came to me all of a piece, nearly, and after a bit of debate, I decided to share the silly thing, figuring most could identify with it. Thanks for stopping by and for the love and hugs, too. Right back atcha! 🤗❤

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    • Thanks, Jeanne! So do I! I hate being so non-creative! And tired. Urk! But I do think it’s easing more each day, so here’s to the morning when I wake up and leap out of bed, raring to go! (Okay, I haven’t actually leapt out of bed in years, but you know what I mean! 😁 ) Thanks so much for stopping by! 😀 ❤

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    • They are somehow linked, aren’t they? Time and inspiration. Or maybe they aren’t linked enough. When we have one, we don’t always have the other. And right now, I have very little of either. But I do foresee a return soon to something more akin to normalcy, and honestly, I can’t wait! Thanks so much for stopping by today, Gwen, and I hope things soon ease up for you, too! Hugs back atcha! 🤗❤


    • Yep, even breakthrough COVID with generally mild symptoms can cause a lot of brain fog. (Along with some pretty severe fatigue.) No matter what we call it, though, it’s annoying as heck, isn’t it? When we WANT to write, but just can’t make it happen. This is the first time I’ve experienced it since I started writing 9 years ago, and I hope it’s the last!

      Thanks for stopping by today, Denise, and by all means, avoid that fog if you can! 😀 ❤


    • Thanks, Sharon. I’d have to be unconscious to not read every day. Some days, a lot, some days, just a chapter or two, but I always, always read. It’s how I fall asleep at night, so no worries on that score. And I have short periods when I feel pretty good, and can help Mark on our projects here at the house. I can work pretty hard for an hour or possibly two, and then I hit a WALL. No more 8 hour days of painting walls or the like right now. A job that normally would take me one day can take me four or five now. But I know that as soon as I start to feel tired, I MUST stop, hit the comfy chair, and either read for a few hours or fall asleep.

      Of course, this had to happen when we were in the middle of some major projects, so it’s frustrating, but I can only do so much at a time. And some days, I can’t do ANYTHING. It’s variable. And focusing on writing is RIGHT OUT for now. *sigh*

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  1. I love Rae’s comment – it’s exactly how I feel! That ‘click-lock’ is brilliant. There’s so much in the media about Long Covid at the moment but I’d say that you’re already sensing that you’re beginning to shrug it off. Here’s to a return to your creative norm! xx

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    • Thanks, Trish! I just have to hang in there long enough to get over this bump in the road, and then I’ll be able to do what I really want: WRITE ANOTHER BOOK!!!

      The long COVID thing is tricky. You wake up some mornings thinking you’ve turned the corner, and then halfway through what WAS feeling like a normal day, you hit a wall, and the next thing you know, you’re back in bed. URK! But I’m not one for giving up, so I do what I can, when I’m able, and then I rest for a while. (Or for the rest of the day, whichever I need.)

      And thanks for the compliment on my little poem. I’m glad you found a flash of brilliance! Please treasure it, as they are few and far between lately. 😂 And thanks so much for stopping by to cheer me on, my friend. (One day at a time is how I’m taking this.) 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks for the encouragement, Sue. This is the second bout of breakthrough COVID I’ve had since July, and this one is taking a darn long time to go completely away. Mild but very determined symptoms keep messing up my days, but since I’m in a triple high-risk group for this damn virus, I’m counting myself very lucky to have done so well. I COULD be in the hospital, after all.

      And as you can see from my silly little poem, I haven’t given up on writing altogether, though working on anything longer than 31 words is still a way off.😉 Oh, and yes to the brutality of the fatigue! One minute I’m walking across the room, and the next, I have roughly 30 seconds to get to a chair or bed. URK!! But again … I’m still HERE! And I ain’t done yet!! *shakes fist in the air and hurls imprecations in COVID’s general DI-rection!* 😂

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    • Thanks, Jan! I am counting on it just lying around, slumbering peacefully, and ready for me to awaken it when I have my wits about me again. In the meantime, 31-word bits of doggerel are about all I’m capable of. 😄

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    • It has had an amazing impact on my thought processes (or lack thereof), Priscilla, but I didn’t survive this long by being a quitter. 😉 I’m NOT giving up! (Witness my tiny little bit of doggerel above.) Just taking one day at a time, since that’s really all I can do at this point. Thanks for your support and encouragement, and here’s to an UN-fogging of my brain soon! 😂


    • Sorry you are experiencing a severe enough case of writer’s block to force you to vacuum, Sally! That sounds dire, indeed. I confess, I’ve been tempted to do some housework, too, but haven’t felt well enough to follow through on that thought, thankfully. 😁

      It seems I have now moved into Long COVID territory, and while my congestion and other symptoms have lessened somewhat, my fatigue issues are growing! URK! And for SURE, my brain is stuck under that rock!

      I hope we both find ourselves suddenly stricken by lightning-bright INSPIRATION, instead! Then, filled with creative genius and stunningly brilliant plot ideas, we can write like the WIND! Yeah. That’s the ticket! 😂🤣😂

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        • It really is a ridiculous, unpredictable condition, isn’t it? So draining! I’ve now had to cancel my February wildlife talks, after already canceling the two for January. That makes me sad, as I dearly LOVE giving them, and have so much fun with the audiences. *sigh* But I simply can’t right now.

          HOWEVER, on the plus side, I’m truly grateful my symptoms have been mild, and are slowly improving. At my age & with my other health issues, I could be in the hospital, intubated, and in danger of not surviving it. SO. When I look at it like that, I know how lucky I am. I WILL get over this eventually, and I will be back to full days of writing and other projects. (That’s my story, an’ I’m stickin’ TO it!) 😉

          Thanks so much for your kind words and support. It means a great deal to me! 🤗❤🤗

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