A Very Quick Update

I think I’ll just get the bad news done and over with. Yesterday, I started exhibiting the same mild COVID symptoms Mark had on Friday night/Saturday morning. (I’m not surprised, given that he slept right next to me the night he woke up sick.)

The good news is, I feel better today than I did yesterday, so I’m hoping mine will follow the same route his has. (He’s decided he’s done with being shut inside, and yesterday expanded his quarantine to our fairly large, fenced in back yard, where he proceeded to get his hourly FitBit steps and did some weeding! Don’t worry. He’s not taking his evening walks around the neighborhood, or going anywhere else. )

Since we’ve been quarantined in the same house for six days now, even though in separate areas, and with masks, I think it was inevitable that I’d get this. And since my symptoms are slightly better today than yesterday, I’m going to give this another day or two before deciding what I want to do. If they increase in severity AT ALL, I will make immediate arrangements to get the infusion, though we’re not sure it changed anything for Mark. Still, if I’m not slowly improving, I won’t take a chance, and will get it.

Back to the bad news. I’m going to take ten days off from blogging for the duration of the rest of my quarantine, starting from yesterday, so I’ll be scarce around the blog. Sorry, but I want to conserve my energy while I’m fighting this infection. I do have a Ten Things guest  posts already scheduled for next week. (And every other Wednesday into November), so you can all look forward to that. HOPEFULLY, I’ll feel well enough to comment by then, though I doubt I’ll be originating any new posts for the ten days I’m quarantined.

Just so you know, I plan to beat the living daylights outta this NO MATTER WHAT! I still have way too many things to do yet before I’m ready to quit. 😉 So look for me around August 8, if not sooner. And thanks again for all your wonderful support! I LOVE our blogging community! ❤ ❤ ❤

38 thoughts on “A Very Quick Update

  1. Totally understand your intention to conserve your energy, and I hope with all my heart things go the same way for you as for Mark. I have no doubt you’ll beat the crap out of this bug!
    See you on the flip side ❤

    Liked by 4 people

    • Good idea – get a LOT of REST so your body can concentrate on overcoming the virus. One thing at a time now – and that one thing is for you to get safely to the other side and come out the WINNER.
      Marcia 100% vs. Virus 0%
      Knock the living daylights outta that virus! ❤

      Liked by 4 people

      • Thank you for the kind words, Lynda, and as someone who has overcome a few obstacles, herself, I am taking them to heart! Putting on the boxing gloves even as I type. (And don’t think that isn’t a mean feat!) 😀 ❤

        Liked by 2 people

    • Heading to the Comfy Chair soon, but wanted to respond while I was still up. Thanks, Debby! I appreciate your thoughts, and beating the crap outta this bug is exactly what I plan to do. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, we’ve both been vaccinated, Robbie, but it’s not 100% effective, especially where the Delta variant is concerned. What it does mean, is that if you’re one of the people who gets sick in spite of the shots, you’ll “probably” have much less severe symptoms. (Though some people have died, anyway. 😯 )

      The milder symptoms are what seems to have been the case with Mark, and what I’m hoping for, too. The infusions helps reduce symptoms, too, especially in people over 65, which we both are. (Mark’s 72 and I’m 77).

      Hitting the Comfy Chair soon, and don’t know when I’ll check in again, but thanks so much for stopping by.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Dear Marcia, you have a lovely fighting spirit and with plenty of rest, you’ll emerge strong and feisty. YES! I’m sending much love, prayers, and asking for lots of sunlight for your area. Big, big hugs. 💕🤗💕

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh no! Take it easy – however long it takes. We’ll all be here – don’t worry about that. I hope only good and groovy things for the both of you!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Save your reserves of strength for knocking this virus back. Do what your body’s telling you to do and ignore all outside pressures – nothing’s more important than your health. You can do this! Here’s to a swift recovery and chatting again when you’re through it. It goes without saying, I don’t expect you to read this let alone make any comment on it. Remember that first bit about saving your reserves of strength? Much love and prayers coming your way. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Oh, my! I’ve been on vacation. You take care of yourself. I’m glad the symptoms are only mild. Hopefully they will stay that way. Get plenty of rest and be sure to take all the time you need to recover. Sending you love and {{HUGS}} ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Diana! I posted another update today, to let everyone know that Mark’s quarantine is up, and he retested today. It was negative, so he returns to work tomorrow. Yay! And I’m feeling MUCH better, too. My biggest remaining symptom is fatigue, which comes and goes, but when it hits, it’s like running into a WALL. So I stop and rest for a couple of hours, and then feel pretty good again. I’ll be staying home and being careful until August 8, then I’ll go get tested to be sure its run its course. But I’m feeling SO much more optimistic that this is going to continue to be a very mild case. (Thank you, vaccines!)

      I’ll check in again before long. 🙂 ❤ You stay safe and WELL, too!! 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

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