Motivation – How to Maintain it and How to Get it Back if Misplaced

Having trouble finding and maintaining your motivation to write? John Howell has a most excellent and helpful post about this on Story Empire today that you really should check out. And I hope you’ll remember to pass it along far and wide so others can check it out, as well. Thanks, and thanks, John, for giving me some good ideas! Great post! ๐Ÿ™‚

Story Empire

Hello SEers. John, with you today to discuss motivation.

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I feel a little like the resident coach when it comes to my topics here on Story Empire. I think that is true because I am concerned that those who have chosen to be authors (Yes, thatโ€™s you) work in an environment that, for the most part, is self-driven. Unless you have a big contract with Random House, the words you write are words you choose to write at a pace you choose to write them. With all that freedom comes the pitfalls associated with self-directed productivity.

What are those pitfalls? Here are just a few procrastination, self-doubt, poor time management, and lack of motivation.

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Given the title of the post, I want to discuss the last one, motivation. I have been seeing a lot of correspondence where authors seem to be commiserating with each other onโ€ฆ

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7 thoughts on “Motivation – How to Maintain it and How to Get it Back if Misplaced

    • *Waving Back Atcha!* And I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I now have my egg timer sitting on my desk and plan to use the 30 minute technique until I get my life sorted out enough to go back to something a wee bit longer. Thanks for stopping by and waving! ๐Ÿ˜€ โค

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