10 thoughts on “#PeaceTalks #TheDresdenFiles #HarryDresden #JimButcher

    • Yay! Happy reading to you, too, very soon! I swear, I can’t walk by the darn thing without petting it on the cover! 😀 I still have about 3 more chapters in Cold Days, and then I’m going to read Skin Games as fast as I can, yet still enjoy every minute of it. And THEN … TADA!!! It’s Peace Talk time!! Happy days are here again! 😀

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    • Thank you, Teri. I intend to savor every moment of this one. I’ve seen some early reviews praising it, and I hope they turn out to be exactly on target. But even if the worst should happen, and it’s not the best in the series, if it at least answers a few more questions, I’ll try to be happy. Mostly. Naaah. Who am I kidding? It had damn well better be superb and worth the long, long wait! 😀

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  1. It will be a while until I get to it (I’m only about 25% through Changes) but I can’t wait! It’s so freaking wonderful. I wish everyone would realize what an amazingly addictive engrossing series this is. I am just so happy a (ahem) certain someone, got me hooked on Harry. Happy reading, my friend!

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    • Boy, you have some kinda wonderful friend, there, Mae! 😀

      I know you’ve been super busy, and I understand, but boy, I can’t WAIT for you to catch up so we can obsess … erm … I mean talk about this series some more. Oh, Changes!!! Even knowing the overall outcome (though not as many of the details as I thought I’d retain), Changes just body slammed me all over the place! Man, that story packs a punch, right straight through to the last page, when it then delivers the Big One-Two and leave you gasping. You MUST let me know as soon as you finish it! Seriously! 😀

      In the meantime, happy vacation and happy reading when time allows! I’m off to try to finish Cold Days, another one filled with shock after shock.

      Thanks for taking a minute to say hi! Now read on, Dresdenphile, read on! 😀 ❤

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