The Light (Wake-Robin Ridge #4) by @MarciaMeara #Mystery with a touch of the #Paranormal #BookReview

Woke up to find a wonderful review of my latest Wake-Robin Ridge book, The Light, on Cathy Ryan’s lovely Between the Lines blog. Hope you’ll take a moment to see what Cathy has to say about this one, and will pass it along on all your favorite social media sites. And oh, yeah–maybe grab a copy for yourself, if you haven’t gotten yours! 😀 Thanks, and my heartfelt thanks to Cathy, too, for this terrific review! 🙂 ❤

6 thoughts on “The Light (Wake-Robin Ridge #4) by @MarciaMeara #Mystery with a touch of the #Paranormal #BookReview

    • So happy you feel that way, Trish! In spite of all the interruptions and the very long time it took me to get this one finished, I’m really happy with the way it turned out and the responses I’ve gotten on it. I just need to get an effective marketing plan in place and get it in front of more folks. Working on that this year, for sure.

      I haven’t forgotten about The Emissary 3, even though I’ve not posted on the beta blog for some time. Life has been throwing curve balls at us again, but I’m not giving up! I do have a good start on CH 3, and I’m crossing my fingers I can get it finished in the next day or two. Hang in there! I’m working on a Time Management Plan, even as I type! (And don’t think THAT isn’t a trick and a half! 😀 )

      Thanks for stopping by today and commenting, my friend! It’s SO appreciated! 🙂 ❤

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