Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – Christmas Book Fair – New Book on the Shelves #Paranormal #Fantasy Wake-Robin Ridge Book 4: The Light by Marcia Meara

What a lovely “Welcome Home from Denver” present I found awaiting me this morning! Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore has featured my latest release, The Light: Wake-Robin Ridge Book 4, on her Smorgasbord blog. I do hope you’ll stop by and check out her lovely post, and pass it along to your friends on social media. THANKS so much. (And for those wondering, I’ll be busy formatting the print version tomorrow so that I can get it out there as soon as possible.) Thanks, Sally, for sharing the news of my latest Rabbit book! As always, you ROCK! ❤ ❤ ❤

19 thoughts on “Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – Christmas Book Fair – New Book on the Shelves #Paranormal #Fantasy Wake-Robin Ridge Book 4: The Light by Marcia Meara

    • Thanks, Harmony! It was great to find this waiting when I got home this morning. LOVELY of Sally to share so many super posts and writers (and more!!) on her blog! And I do hope folks will enjoy this one. 🙂 ❤

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    • Thanks TWICE, Darlene! It’s good to be back, and even better to have this book wrapped up and out on Kindle. Now if only the formatting for print goes well tomorrow, I’ll be a very happy camper! 🙂

      Hope your December has been great so far! ❤

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    • Thank you so much, Bette! I’m so happy Sally wanted to share the news about The Light on her wonderful blog! And I’m happy to be home again from our wanderings. Will be updating you guys tomorrow on a few of our adventures, and a bit of news on the new book, etc.

      Hope you’ve been having a great December. So far, I have done pretty much ZERO Christmas shopping!!! 😯 I have to get super busy over the next few days, for sure! Thanks for stopping by!
      😀 ❤


  1. Welcome back! I devoured The Light while you were gone. Oh, my! My favorite WRR to date. I’ve long been fascinated by the Brown Mountain Lights, but that is only one thread in this marvelous tale. LOVED IT!!
    Please add to GR and BB so I can slobber over it there, too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll be VERY happy to have you slobber over The Light on both Goodreads and BookBub. I’ll be working on formatting the print version tomorrow, but will try to get it up on Goodreads before day’s end. I need to update there already. And then I have to set up a BookBub thingie so you can slobber a bit more! I’m SO happy you liked it. It was such a long time in the making with all the disruptions, I honestly lost all perspective as to how well it was working. A couple of my betas said it was their favorite, too, so I’m hoping between you guys, you’ve predicted it will be well received, by and large.

      Thanks for the welcome back. It’s always good to get home no matter where you’ve been traveling, isn’t it? I will be posting an update here tomorrow, and I’m thinking I might share your review, too, if that’s all right with you? I really LOVED it! Thanks so much for saying such nice things! 😀 ❤

      Still groggy from all the time changes and traveling and traipsing around in 20 degree weather, which is roughly a sixty-six degree drop from what it was here when we left! 😯 But I'll be feeling much better with a good night's sleep. And then I'll tell you guys some of the things we did. Hint: OMG, Colorado is stunning!

      (Counting the days until February 4, as I'm sure you are, my PenderPal! A.X.L. can run, but he can't hide from US! 😀 )

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      • I’d be delighted if you used my review. Please do! 🙂

        And did you know you already have a presence on BB? You just need to dress it up and add your books. The Emissary is already there by its lonesome.

        February 4th–oh joy! I’ve already got my copy pre-ordered. An my guess is you do, too, LOL!

        Looking forward to hearing about Colorado. I understand it’s gorgeous!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Pre-ordered for sure! I go by every day and say hi! 😀 😀 😀

          No, I didn’t know I was on BookBub, but my daughter tells me I’m on Instagram, and I don’t remember doing that, either. DOH. (And I didn’t remember BEFORE I whacked myself in the head, either, so maybe I haven’t lost as much as I feared! 😀 )

          Am going to try to get a post up today to include several things. Stay tuned, PenderPal. 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks so much, Don! I appreciate that very much, and will be working hard on that print version, soon to come. I’ll be doing a catch up post later today on Denver and other things, including sharing Mae Clair’s wonderful review of The Light.

      Life is good. Except for that part where I haven’t done ONE bit of Christmas shopping. Eeep. 😯

      Thanks for stopping by, Don! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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