#ShareAReviewDay Tuesday – “Allow Yourself to be a Better Person ” by Balroop Singh

This morning, please welcome Balroop Singh to The Write Stuff. Balroop is sharing  Allow Yourself to be a Better Person, a non-fiction work designed to help us discover how to become the best person we can be. I know this is a book we can all learn from, and I plan to download it today. After reading this excellent review, I suspect quite a few of you will want to do so, as well. Enjoy, and as always, please don’t forget to share across social media. Thanks!


By James J. Cudney: posted at Amazon and Goodreads

As a follower of a blog written by Balroop Singh, I decided to purchase one of her non-fiction books this month: Allow Yourself To Be A Better Person. In this self-help and advice collection, Singh provides readers with ~100 pages of her thoughts and research on how to live a better life. By sharing personal stories of her own life and those of people she’s met, Singh offers ways for readers to consider changing behaviors so that they are happier and stronger individuals.

Every once in a while, it’s good to pick up a book like this; much of the content are things we know or have been taught over the years, but that we also forget. Singh adds context and value behind the words, ensuring we have example and clearer understanding of different interpretations. We know not to take our anger out on others, but we do it still… sometimes unwittingly, and at others, on purpose. Singh reminds us why, shares alternative approaches, and provides a way of reacting to our own emotions with a twist.

I enjoyed reading this extension of her blog so that I could be reminded of a few things that are always a benefit to our lives. It’s obvious that she took a lot of time to craft the structure and advice, and she should be commended. I’m glad I took a chance on reading her book and recommend it to others who are struggling to find a bit of light or think differently about some problems and painful situations in their life.


Do you think you are a good person? Would you like to meet your better self? Welcome to the vast vistas that this book unravels before you by highlighting the shaded areas that could never get your attention.

Enhancement of personality is a long process, which starts only when we acknowledge the need for it. Often we detest looking at our imperfections and if somebody is professionally successful, the thought doesn’t even strike.

This book enlightens you about the goodness, which lies dormant within us till we make an effort to explore it. It exhorts you to introspect and accept natural human failings. It guides you towards the metamorphosis that could make you an endearing personality.

BUY Allow Yourself to be a Better Person HERE

Author and Poet Balroop Singh

Balroop Singh, a former teacher and an educationalist always had a passion for writing.  She would jot down her reflections on a piece of paper and forget about them till each drawer of her home started overflowing with poetic reminders, popping out at will!

She is a poet, a creative non-fiction writer, a relaxed blogger and a doting grandma. She writes about people, emotions and relationships. Her poetry highlights the fact that happiness is not a destination but a chasm to bury agony, anguish, grief, distress and move on! No sea of solitude is so deep that it can drown us. Sometimes aspirations are trampled upon, the boulders of exploitation and discrimination may block your path but those who tread on undeterred are always successful.

When turbulences hit, when shadows of life darken, when they come like unseen robbers, with muffled exterior, when they threaten to shatter your dreams, it is better to break free rather than get sucked by the vortex of emotions.

A self-published author, she is the poet of Sublime Shadows of Life and  Emerging From Shadows and Timeless Echoes.

She has also written When Success Eludes, Emotional Truths Of Relationships Read FREE with Kindle Unlimited and Allow Yourself to be a Better Person.

Balroop Singh has always lived through her heart. She is a great nature lover; she loves to watch birds flying home. The sunsets allure her with their varied hues that they lend to the sky. She can spend endless hours listening to the rustling leaves and the sound of waterfalls. The moonlight streaming through her garden, the flowers, the meadows, the butterflies cast a spell on her. She lives in San Ramon, California.

Buy Balroops Books Here:   Amazon Author Page
Balroop’s BLOG


39 thoughts on “#ShareAReviewDay Tuesday – “Allow Yourself to be a Better Person ” by Balroop Singh

    • I’m glad you’re happy to be sharing today, Balroop, and I hope you’ll do more of that in the future. It’s my pleasure to have you visiting here. The writing community is fantastic, isn’t it? Author buddies ROCK! 😀 Love and hugs back atcha! ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Thank you Balroop and Marcia for this review. Striving to be a better person seems like a noble pursuit. We’ve got a lot in common, Balroop. I live in California, taught thirty-one years, and my dad was the best birdwatcher I ever saw. I’m afraid I didn’t inherit this ability, although I do appreciate the beauty of nature. Much luck to you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Glad you enjoyed the review, Pete. And while your dad was watching birds on the west coast, I’ve been watching them on the east. (And a few other places, as well). For most of my 75 years, I might add. 🙂 I have watched a few in your part of the world, too. My daughter spent a few years in the San Diego area, and we birded several places, of which, the Anza Borrego desert was a special delight. Saw my first and–so far– only golden eagle in CA. 😀 Thanks for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats to Balroop! I th roughly enjoyed this book 🙂 Marsh, it seems I’m the only one in blogland that nobody’s twitter button functions for me on WP, except a very few blogs. Just want you to know I always tweet through an extension and it may not tag your name but I share. Sorry, I can’t remember everyone’s Twitter handle by heart. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry to hear you and the Twitter button are at odds. 😦 But thanks so much for sharing! The odd thing is, I can’t do anything on your blog, either. Sometimes I can’t share, and I can almost NEVER leave a comment. I have no clue what the issue is between our blogs or accounts or whatever, but we do the best we can with what they give us, I reckon. 🙂 It’s nice to see you commenting here, though, for sure. And I’m glad to hear you’ve ready and enjoyed this one. 😀 Thanks! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Marsh. This week in particularly has been horrendously grueling with my website. I think a lot of what’s going on has to do with a clash of old editor (which I love) and Gutenberg which some like but many hate – not yet perfected. Kinda like when they brought out Windows 10 screwing up everyone’s computers before the bugs were ironed out. This technical stuff was not what I signed up for when I started writing, lol ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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