24 thoughts on “#MondayMeme #MondayBlogs

    • I like snow better than sweat. 🙂 Spent some winters in several pretty chilly states (including Alaska) and while I don’t need it THAT cold out, 92 degrees in October is just too much. 😦 But at least there’s not a hurricane howling under my eaves!! 😀 Oh, yeah. That was LAST month! 😀


  1. Marcia, you are funny.
    Try 50 Fahrenheit which we have this sunny day.
    Your temperature now is hot summer over here.
    The leaves seem to be the only thing in common.
    Enjoy walking in shorts and top instead of jackets and wool jumpers.😊 .

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    • I adore sweater (jumpers?) weather. I even like coat weather. I love snow. And yep, I’ve lived where we had regular winters, with plenty of snow and ice. Don’t like DRIVING in snow and ice, but otherwise, I’m quite happy with it. Here’s my philosophy: When you’re too cold, you can always add another layer of clothing. When you are too hot, you can only get SO naked, and if that doesn’t do it, what then??? 😀 😀 😀

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    • I know what you mean, though we have leaf drop here. The difference is we have it twice a year. In the autumn AND again in the spring, with the spring drop being much larger, because the trees thought November, December, and January were actually FALL, and decided it was time to go bare! 😯
      (And that photo was NOT taken in any part of Florida I’ve ever seen.)

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