28 thoughts on “#Eclipse – Fantastic Photos!

  1. Thanks for sharing the photos, Marcia. Denver enjoyed a 92% totality rate. As the outside light waned, the nightlights in our house came on. The coolest pictures Tim and I took were of “leaf crescents” on our deck. Anyone who likes can check out the photos on my personal Facebook page (Linda Lee Williams).

    An awesome day! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Glad you liked these, Linda. They are pretty awesome. And lucky you! So glad you got to see almost the total thing. It rained here. I got nuthin’! 😦 Oh, well. In seven years, it’ll be a total one for Florida, and we’re saving our glasses. Hahahaha. I’ve heard the shadows were amazing, and will check out your pics. Thanks for sharing.


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