22 thoughts on “#ThorsDaySmile – Or Two

    • My pleasure, Felicia. Look for it here next week, same time, same place, but probably not about Thor for another few weeks. After all, too many pictures of Thor would surely constitute too much of a good thing, right? 😀

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    • I’m running low on Thor memes, and just happen to have a whole bunch of unused Loki ones. 😀 (I’m sure this will make Mae Clair very happy.) *grin* And whichever ones made you laugh, I’m glad!! ❤

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  1. I was loving it from the very first image and then *gasp* you trotted out the Loki memes and I started slobbering over my keyboard. Ssssh! It’s not dignified, I know, but well—-he’s LOKI!

    THANK YOU! You made my Thor’s Day 🙂

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  2. This is one thing I don’t mind taking the blame for!!! I almost forgot how to English after this post, and how exceptionally fine of you to finish up with Loki who owns as much of my heart as Thor. They have eternal wars over it and everything.

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    • Fantasies are what keep us going when the day-to-day world is just too . . . too . . . too REAL. 😀 Many of my best fantasies are about places, rather than Norse gods. Like a cabin in the mountains, away from all the hustle and bustle. An ice-cold stream, with a tangle of wild blackberries along the banks, and deer drinking from the pool where the trout sleep. Autumn days viewed from the porch swing, watching the maples turn scarlet, and the loose skeins of geese flying overhead. Now THAT’S a fantasy I can really get lost in. 😀

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