Self-publishing and the snobbery issue

Excellent post, well stated, and (in my opinion), very true. I’ve read some pretty poorly edited traditionally published books lately, and some absolutely perfect self-published ones. And it’s time for “some” writers to stop trying to paint self-published writers as authors who couldn’t make the grade.

Alison Williams Writing


I work with all different types of authors, those who are hoping to secure a publishing deal, those who are chasing the self-publishing dream and even a couple who have gone on to secure a deal with one of the big five (or six, or whatever it is). Some of these writers are brilliant, some are really talented, some are steady, dependable story tellers who can spin a good yarn, some aren’t that great, some have accepted help and advice and have improved in leaps and bounds, a few I have advised to go right back to the drawing board and there have been a handful who I have had to advise that writing is perhaps not the path for them (this is at the sample edit stage – I never take a penny from authors in this situation).

You might be surprised to know that most of the authors…

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9 thoughts on “Self-publishing and the snobbery issue

  1. Hear hear. Though to be honest, plenty of your general readers don’t realise that many books ARE self published, and you see this in reviews, where they complain and wonder ‘how this ever got published’, when you or I know it was an indie book.
    It’s mostly authors, publishers and book snobs who know and distinguish.

    Liked by 1 person

    • True, but it’s especially galling to hear other writers acting like those who are self-published are lesser creatures. As you say, readers don’t always know, but I’m a firm believer in writers helping writers. Hence the motto on this blog. 😀 A good book is a good book, no matter HOW it gets in front of the public. That’s my story, an’ I’m stickin’ to it! 😀

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  2. Glad you like the blog, theallsaints4. I wish I could give you some tips about traditional publishing, but what you’ve experienced is exactly why so many of us have turned to self-publishing. We have control over our own successes and failures that way, and aren’t held hostage to the market, as defined by the traditional publishing companies.

    For myself, I figured at my age, I didn’t have time to waste on countless rejection letters, so I went for publishing my books on Kindle and then print-on-demand with Createspace, right from the start. It has worked very well for me, so far. No, I’m not going to hit the NYTimes best seller list, but I’ve been pleased with my progress to date, and do have an audience that enjoys my stories. You might consider going that route. (It won’t preclude finding a trad-publisher at some future point, either.) Hope this helps!


    • Well, I’m glad you’ve given self-publishing a try, and I’ll be checking out KC’s link soon. The only thing I can add is that while I might decide to use Smashwords along with KDP, I’m not sure I’d use them instead. KDP is the big dog in the industry, still, and you’d probably find it worth your while to publish there, too. Just something to consider. There’s certainly more than one way to go about all of this, and we are all learning every day. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for the tip. To be honest I just like writing and if one person pays for my book I am over the moon. Smash words allows you to give up to 100% discounts any time you want and it works very well without the fuss but I hear what you say and may give it a whirl. Thanks

        Liked by 1 person

        • Hey, if you’re happy with how it’s working for you, then that’s all that counts. You asked for tips, and those were all I had to offer, but if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, as they say. 🙂 I could be doing more if I worked it harder, too, but I like where I am, so far. We each have to find our own path at this, especially as new as the whole process is. Good luck!


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