5 Great Online Resources for Writers: Guest Post by Isa Cox

Nicholas Rossis has a guest post today, by Isa Cox, which should interest many of you. Check it out!

Nicholas C. Rossis

Image courtesy of Fredrik Rubensson under CC BY-SA 2.0 Image courtesy of Fredrik Rubensson under CC BY-SA 2.0

When it comes to making it as a writer, there are no hard and fast rules, it seems. For writers who have spent the better part of their lives receiving rejection letters, there’s always the J.K. Rowling story. For the die-hard traditionalists who say you need a publisher, you can always throw E.L. James at them. All in all, what the writing world has taught us in terms of popularity is that anything goes.

So to build up on the kind of characteristics that make writers stand out from the pack, check out these great resources for pursuing the writer dream. From indie publishing tips to great seminars on storytelling, there’s a plethora of information to bring your next novel straight to the New York Times Bestseller list—or on the shortlist for a Pulitzer, whatever floats your boat.

  1. The Paris Review

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6 thoughts on “5 Great Online Resources for Writers: Guest Post by Isa Cox

    • My pleasure, Nicholas, and back atcha! (Hope it isn’t as hot where you are as it is here in central Florida. Just trying to get from my parked car to the door to the grocery store almost gave me heatstroke! 😯 )

      Liked by 1 person

        • Lucky you. It’s pushing 100f here, or about 38 to 39C. And the heat index adds about 6 degrees to that. I can’t wait for winter. My gardening is over until at least late October, early November. But on the plus side, I’ll be enjoying my flowers from fall straight on through May or so, before the heat kicks in again. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • Thanks for sharing, Marcia! I am heading to Nicholas page to read the whole post.
            We are also under a severe Saharian heat wave. And it will go like this for a couple more weeks while drought threatens the fields.
            Have a cooler weekend!

            Liked by 1 person

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