9 thoughts on “Swamp Ghosts ~ Riverbend Book 1 #Romance #Suspense @MarciaMeara

    • Thanks, Linda. I’ve gotten some pretty great reviews on Swamp Ghosts, and this one was really nice. Made me smile yesterday, on a morning that wasn’t going so smoothly until then. 🙂


    • Thank you, Olga. I’ve been blessed with a lot of very nice reviews on this book, mostly 5-stars, so far, and this one was just what I needed to read yesterday. A great way to start the day!


    • It was really nice, wasn’t it, Marie? (Nice to see you here, btw! Haven’t forgotten you, and am still looking forward to reading The Peacock’s Tale. Just WAY behind right now, sorry!) I’ve been very lucky with this book, and decided yesterday, after reading this review, to keep a scrapbook on each of my books. When I finally stop doing this, I’ll have something fun to look back over, and to leave for my kids. 🙂


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