Bet you didn’t know this about me… #Fantasy #author Deborah Jay

The (not so) secret life of Deborah Jay, fantasy author

If you are a friend of mine on Twitter, or you’ve visited my ‘about me’ page on my own blog, you may know that I am by profession a trainer of dressage horses.

Didn’t know that? Where have you been?

Now, much as I love my writing and plan to do more as I get older and less inclined to earn my keep standing out in all weathers, or pushing myself physically as my body starts to stiffen up, I don’t ever see myself giving it up completely. As long as I can see clearly, and have a voice I can project (even that’s easier these days, with the use of radio mics), I shall continue to be involved in my sport in one capacity or another – as well as being a rider and trainer, I am also a top level national judge.

Here's me, competing on the International circuit, in Spain, 8 years ago.

Here’s me, competing on the International circuit, in Spain, 8 years ago.

What you really don’t know about me is that I absolutely, categorically, cannot cook. Eating, however, is not a problem!

As a consequence, for many years I have used that lovely tailcoat you see above as my incentive to keep my weight in check. I’ve had the coat since I was 28 years old, and I’m now 55. This year I have finally admitted defeat 😦

I’ve moved the buttons as far as I can, and I can still just do it up, but breathing is not an option!

The new coat, with blue paisley details and smart silver buttons.

The new coat, with blue paisley details and smart silver buttons.

As a result, and with much sadness, I asked my lovely partner for a new coat for Christmas this year – made to measure, and up to date fashion-wise. It wasn’t cheap, believe me, and when it arrived yesterday and I tried it on for the first time, I have to admit to a certain disappointment that it is nowhere near as fitted as the old one.

But I’m guessing it won’t be long before I’m appreciating it, when I ride down the centre line later this month at the first show of our season, and find I can draw enough breath not to turn puce while riding my Grand Prix test!

12 thoughts on “Bet you didn’t know this about me… #Fantasy #author Deborah Jay

  1. Oooh, just LOVELY, Deborah! Wonderful photo, too. What a great career! I always love watching the equestrian events at the Olympics, not that I know much about them. I just like watching horses. So beautiful!

    I think you did remarkably well to be able to wear that tailcoat for as long as you did. I can guarantee you that I can’t cram one single piece of my body into anything I wore when I was 28!! You are to be congratulated, and I love that you want to continue with this until it’s not an option any more. Good for you! May you have many more years of enjoyment out of your sport! And thanks so much for taking the time to share. It was great learning more about you.

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  2. The new coat is amazing! Well worth the cost, both for beauty and for “breathability”! And I could have never make it so long with a coat myself – I wouldn’t be able to get it on my shoulders, much less the rest of me.

    I am REALLY impressed that Merlin is 21 and still strutting his stuff! I remember my stepfather’s roping horse lived a really long time, but he did it in the pasture . . . 😉

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  3. Who doesn’t know that Deb leads at least two lives? 🙂 I’m happy to be considered a friend of Deb’s so I do know a lot about her horse life from her facebook page, but what I wasn’t aware of was her hilarious sense of humour. I love it! And I’m sure she will get used to the new tails eventually. 🙂

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